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The operation went on smoothly; thanks be to God. Mom's hale and hearty again. She's on some few drugs and supplements to aid her recovery. She wasn't injured, that was my only fear. Well, it's all in the past.

Edna and her mom visit us very often. I observed her always, she's a perfect wife material.

She doesn't allow my big sis cook for my mom, she does all the work herself. Darasimi likes her a lot. I'm glad to have fallen in love with a lady like her, she's the best.

I wish we can be together for life. But it's very impossible because I'm going to be someone else's father.

Fright overwhelmed me. Nifemi claims to be carrying my child. I got myself into a deep mess. I held my head and fell deep in thought.


I closed my eyes feeling disgusted. Nifemi made my blood boil than normal. She'd raised her hands on myself and Edna. I don't hit women, it's my principle.

I dragged her outside mercilessly. She just kept on yelling.
She got up filled with mud "you did this to me? Are you for real Tony?"
"I warned you. .... stay clear from..."

She cut me off aggressively "why should I? I'm carrying your child for God's sake!"

I became stunned "you what?""I'm carrying your child!" She yelled as tears poured down her cheeks "why did you do this to me? For Edna?"

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I became stunned "you what?"
"I'm carrying your child!" She yelled as tears poured down her cheeks "why did you do this to me? For Edna?"

I scoffed "if this is a joke. ... please stop it"
She flipped her messy hair "oh really? You think it's a joke? I know you're in love with Edna but I just can't bear it"

"So this is your plan? To blackmail me?"
She gave an evil smirk "figure it out"
She drove off.
I became shattered.

How will Edna react to this? I can't lose her, I love her more than my life.
Help me Lord.

End of flashback.

Someone blindfolds me. I know who it is.
Edna. The smell of her skin is captivating.
"Hiya" she smiles broadly touching my cheek.
"Hey. .... I knew it was you. How are you?"

She pouted "I'm fine. Where's your mom? I prepared  bitterleaf soup for her"
"That's amazing. What about mine?"
"Mine kor, mine ni" she laughed

"I'm jealous. You always cook for my mom..... .. and not me"
"Don't be sarcastic. I'm famished"
She shrugged "same here"
"I have an idea, we'll cook  together. Sounds fun yeah?"
"Of course"

She smiled in satisfaction "alright then. What should we prepare for lunch?"
"I love peppersoups" I said.
"Okay. ...let's see, that would be for appetizer then melon soup for main dish and ice cream for dessert"

"I'll choose the flavour" we said in unison and laughed.
"Ladies first" she corrected immediately.

"Your wish is my command ma"

"That's a good boy. Next is the list of condiments to be bought"
"That's right"
She took an A4 paper with a pen from the table and wrote down some things.

I watched her with keen interest. She's amazing. I'm gradually forgetting some of my worries with her company. I feel at home anytime she's around. I love her, no denial.

She held my left arm "let's get going to the market, I'm starving"
"Food monger" I teased.
She pinched me and ran away to the car.
"I'll get you"

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