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Note of warning!

This is solely for mature minds only. Enter at your own risk. Mature content.


"Tony, don't stop!" I moaned with great pleasure as his fingers traveled a long distance in my female organ.

"I love you baby" he whispered softly biting my ear. His hands cupped my breasts playing with my nipples. Swiftly, he placed his tongue on it making me go wild in ecstasy.

I laid on top of him and looked deep in his eyes. His hands are on my palmed on my butt. I started kissing his neck, inhaling the sweetness of his male cologne. It made me crazy.

He caressed my skin with his tongue as he went down and down. It met with my inner soft flesh as I rubbed his head, screaming for more.
"Oh. ...I want more of this. ...don't stop"

He came out from his underwear, his manhood made me yelp. It's hard, looking soft and mouth watering.
I grabbed it and he moaned lightly, making me wet. I rubbed it gently, fondling his shaft then gradually inserting it into my mouth.

He moaned. It tastes good. I couldn't stop until he carried me gently and placed me on the bed.
"You trust me right?" He asked brushing his lips against mine fiercely. It was a deep kiss, his tongue tastes like caramel.

I wrapped my arms round his neck "yes I do. I want more of you Tony. ...I really can't wait any longer"
He planted a kiss on my feminine part. I squirmed.
He opened my legs and his penis met with my vagina, seeking for entrance. Gradually, it found its way as I felt blood tickling down.

My eyes became wet "it hurts. But don't stop now, I want you more than ever"

"I love you Edna. You gave your virginity to me" he cooed entering me harder. It feels like heaven, I moaned as tears poured down my cheeks.

Before I could utter a word, I fell deep in sleep.


My head was banging. I have a very bad headache. I tried opening my eyes but my vision is blurry.

"Calm down baby. .... I want to clean you up" Anthony said pecking my cheek.
I held my forehead "did I bleed so much?"
"Not that much. Don't stress, I'll do it"

He carried me gently as I placed my head on his chest. We finally got to the bathroom. He positioned me carefully in the tub.
"Open your legs wider" he said softly. I obeyed.
He used a wet cloth to clean the surface of my private part. I let out a small cry.

"Sorry baby. Be strong " he consoled with a wink.
I nodded.

No sooner we had our bath together. He prepared lunch and fed me like a baby.
I ate hungrily. "Sex made me famished"
"We made love not sex" he corrected immediately.
"Yes sir"
"Here" he handed me a glass of orange juice.

"Thanks. My waist aches so much"
"Sorry baby. But come to think of it, you act holy and go crazy in bed"
I rolled my eyes "you can't be serious"
"I'm serious. You're a bad girl"
"For you darling. I'm only a bad girl for you"

He looked at me lovingly "I love you more than anything. Thanks Edna, you made me feel complete"
"We aren't even married yet. Silly boy" I laughed.

"When we finally become a couple, our sex will be everyday"
I punched him " I'm sure you don't want me dead. See that your big thing"
He laughed hard. "That's why it's for only you"

"I love you Anthony. I'll always be by your side. You mean more than the world to me"
He stroked my hair "same here Edna. We need to rest, especially you"

"Yes. I'm so tired. My private part hurts. I can still feel it inside of me"
"Hmmmm. ...that means you want to go for another round?"

I slapped his back jokingly "stop disturbing me"
"Okay I'm sorry. Time for a nap"
He laid beside me and held me very close to himself. I embraced him.

You're my everything.

You're my everything

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