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Before I continue, I want to show you all a picture of Anthony. Leave your comments if you like him or not. Thanks ❤❤

🎶🎶"Émì temì báwònì oh, ...................... sèwa" 🎶🎶 (×3)

The music is loud. We danced forward. Mom is very happy. She scattered the dance floor as dad danced around her. He began to spray clean 500 naira notes.

Our relatives danced as well. Some of them like aunt Abike were already picking money from the ground and inserting it into their buba.

Nawa oh.

Yemisi tried to dance as well but she couldn't. Her big tummy prevented her from doing so. After some minutes, we went back to our seats then the bride's family dance took place.

"Anthony was looking around for you. Oh, here he is" Yemisi said.

I looked up. He is staring at me.

"Where have you been?" He asked taking his seat opposite me.

Jamb question.

I pitied him but didn't want to answer his question at the same time.

"Hi. I'm Mrs Akinleye Yemisi, Edna's cousin" Yemisi introduced.

"Anthony Adeleye" he replied giving a warm smile.

"My cousin told me a lot about you in the past few days" Yemisi began "and I must say, you're. ....... "

Think fast Edna, or else Yemisi will spoil show. Oh lawd, what should I do now? And she won't keep shut.
An idea struck my mind immediately. Step on her feet, hmm.

I stepped on her feet. But her shoes weren't black, neither are they hard.

"Uhmuhm" I coughed.

My phone buzzed. I received a message from Anthony.

Anthony: that was really painful. Your heels are hard though.

Me:I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it

Damn, I stepped on his feet! I'll kill Yemisi.

An hour later

The wedding was coming to an end. It was time for the presentation of gifts. I didn't have an idea of what to give so I dropped a cheque of hundred thousand naira.

The couple danced and gave their vote of thanks. We cheered them both.

I'm pressed so I excuse myself."I'll be right back".

Yemisi nodded.

I walk to the restroom. I notice someone familiar.


Goddammit, why must he be here of all places?Lord have mercy if he knows I'm here.

On noticing my presence, he hung up and walked up to me. I couldn't care less, I continued walking until the grabbed my left arm.

"Christ" I sigh, rolling my eyes. I just have to put my phone on record, it may be needed.

"Hello Edna, you're looking sexy and stunning. Any man like me will die to have you on his bed" he said licking his big, fat and disgusting lips.

"Watch your tone Mike or whatever you call yourself" I warned sternly pointing a finger at him. His grip couldn't let me move.

He gave a wicked grin "Look, I can get you if I want. Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about"

I tried releasing my arm but his grip was firm.
"Leave me alone right now. I don't want to cause a scene here"
"Let go!" I yelled.

He tightened his grip and moved very close to me that I couldn't breathe any longer.

"You smell like cinnamon baby" he cooed placing his nose on my neck with my two hands held tightly to the back. I tried to move because I felt irritated and then my phone fell to the ground.

Oh God. ... I feel so helpless right now. No one is here to save me. Please help me God.

"Anthony!" I screamed.

Just then, Mike fell to the floor. Someone began to beat the living daylight out of him. I quickly picked up my phone, saved the voice note and dialed Anthony.

"Come to the convenience room right now!" I exclaimed out of great fear.

"I'm sorry. ...... I'll never look at her ever again!" Mike begged " I swear with my life!"

The guy looks familiar. He didn't listen to him, he just continued hitting Mike.

It was Harry. Oh my, he saved my life today.

He held me closely "are you okay? I hope he didn't touch you?"

I nodded "yes I am. Thanks for saving me or else...... "
Mike ran out and zoomed off.

"It's okay. Have fun. Don't panic" he said and put on his glasses. I watched him with admiration. His walking steps are peng.

Look at me, instead of thanking God for my life I'm here admiring his walking steps.

"What happened? Are you hurt?" Anthony asked feeling very concerned about me.

After party.

I hugged him. "I'm fine.
Someone tried to rape me here"
"Really? Who? That guy must be insane. How dare he?" He asked in annoyance.
I was shocked. His other side is bad.

"Calm down. I'm okay now"
"But who's he?"
"My friend's fiancè"
"Mike Chukwuma?"
"Yes. I told you what happened the last time at the mall, remember?"

"Yeah I do. I'm sorry I couldn't save you. I'm here now"
I smiled and hugged him tightly but couldn't get Harry out of my head. He's my guardian angel.


Wedding wedding wedding.
It's finally gone. Thanks be to God, it was successful. I enjoyed the ceremony.

I laid on my bed remembering how Harry saved me yesterday. Thank Goodness he came or I would have been raped.

I'm feeling scared. The flashback of what Mike did to me is frightening. He wasn't even afraid, he did it in broad daylight. I haven't told anyone about it yet, not even Chloe. I wonder how she'll react when I tell her about him.

How can she get married to such a man? He acts holy and loving to her but there's more that meets the eye. I have to tell and warn Chloe about him, or else I won't forgive myself.

"Edna! Edna! Come down here right now!" I heard someone scream from the parlor.

The voice sounded familiar, like Chloe's. But why will she barge into my house like that?
Something is wrong somewhere.

I quickly run down the stairs. My guess was right, it's Chloe. she's fuming with anger. Her face looks swollen and she looks ready to fight.

Only God knows what's wrong.

"Chloe for goodness sake, why did you barge into my house screaming my name?"

She eyed me rudely.

"Are you okay?" I asked "if you have. ......"
She pointed at me, showing her five fingers.

"Hold it, you husband snatcher. How dare you do this to me? I trusted you Edna"


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