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Mature content ahead. To be read at your own risk.

Next chapter won't take long.


The alarm clock rings. I put it off after much stretching. Anthony is still fast asleep, he looks cute.

You're mine, and I'm yours forever and ever.

I get up, open the curtains allowing the passage of sunrise into the room. Then sluggishly head for the bathroom to clean up.

"Morning sunshine" Anthony's hands are on my waist, his nose went down my neck making me flinch a little.

"Tony...... morning, how was your night?" I managed when my feet swept past the floor. I found myself on the bed in no time.

"I've missed you so much baby" he bit my ear. His lips kissed every nook and cranny of my body driving me insane in pleasure. I laid on him, our bodies colliding. He stares at me with lust and passion, wanting to enjoy each moment. His tongue a weapon of sexual ecstasy; making use of it like a hungry lion. Caressing my already wet skin, dripping with caramel.

"Don't stop please"

His mighty hands grabbed my breasts, cupping them in his hands. His mouth crashed with my nipples, sucking them fiercely. I moaned out of great pleasure.

"You're my bad girl Edna, show me what you've got " He whispered into my ears seductively.

I pull my night gown, crawl to bed where he is. I sway my hips from side to side. He gave an expectant smirk. I gave him a wink and placed my butt in the middle of his legs.

"I don't know how to do this"

"Go on baby. You're good" he whispers softly in my ear. "You're so hot"

"And a very sexy seductress" this time his tone went flat and I melted instantly.

I shook my butt on his member, he kept moaning. I placed my lips on his, sinking into an entire world differently.

"I can't wait anymore" he positioned me on the bed. I opened my legs, patiently waiting for him.

He removed his boxers, I salivated at the sight of his penis. His shaft is so hard,already dripping with sperm.

He thrusted into me hard, I gave a loud moan. Harder and harder he entered leaving me electrified.
Sweats ran through our bodies. Neither of us was concerned, we're busy having a carnal knowledge of each other.

"We're just at the beginning baby" he uttered.

"Go on. I want more of you darling" I said in desperation.

He laid beside me opening my legs gently. His fingers penetrated into my vagina, I held my walls. It went deep, making my fingernails scratch the bed harder. I'm crazy, we've attained the peak of orgasm.

"Cum for me baby" he cooed playing with the strands of hair that fell to my face.

I felt his tongue licking and sucking every part of me. I screamed. His fingers reached my G-spot, I panted heavily.

"I don't think I'll be able to cum anymore Tony" I held my breath. "This is the sixth time. I'm exhausted"

"It's okay baby. I love you more than my life, you've given me every right of a man on bed" he confessed pecking my lips. I hugged him tightly, with tears in my eyes.

"Stop this now babe" he consoled wiping my tears with his hands. "Shy?"

"Once beaten, twice shy" I agreed with a brief laugh.

"It's fine. We have to be at somewhere soon. It's related to the surprise I have for you"

"Really?" I gasp.

He nodded with a broad smile.

"Let's go shower. We both stink"

"Not me, just you!" I laugh taking my night gown off.

He got undressed too.


I nodded.

He carried me to the bathroom. Putting on the tap, we entered the bathtub.


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