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I'm at the mall, to get some groceries. I caught a glimpse of someone familiar.

We're really destined for each other. That means, she lives close by. ..... I need to do some research.

I walk up to her. She smiles on seeing me.
"Hello Harry, it's nice seeing you again. How are you? And Vanessa?"
"We're good thanks. How about you?"

"Same here. I just came to get some foodstuff"
"Nice" I said, assessing her from head to toe. She's a lady any man will die to have.

A man like me.

Just then, a lady pushed her with a trolley and walked away.She almost fell when I caught her in my arms. Her fragrance mesmerized me. She feels light, probably due to stress.

"Don't you have any manners?" I asked the lady angrily. She paused on hearing my question.
"Sorry dear. Take it easy" I consoled.
She nodded. Trying to get herself,  I helped her carefully.

"Who do you think you are to ask me such question? Ask this slut you're holding!" The lady fired. She looks like someone with anger issues.

Strange, I must say. I wonder how they're connected.


Chloe pushed me with a trolley. I almost fell when Harry caught me. Anger was boiling in my blood, on remembering her conversation with Nifemi. She's  still blabbing like a shameless idiot.

I don't know where the strength came from, probably anger that made me drag her by the collar.

She followed me with her heels like some helpless chick, trying to find its mother hen. She knows how slim she is. That within a second, I'll finish her with slaps but no she won't stay within her limits after all she's done.

Everyone's eyes are on me but I don't care. I need to settle things right away before it gets more complicated. Chloe kept slapping  my hands repeatedly. "Leave me alone!"

I pushed her to the ground. "You want to fight right? Come here let's start because I've had enough of your rubbish"

The security begged but I shook my head in disapproval. He tried separating us but failed.
"Please get out" I eyed him.

Chloe stood up. I walked up to her fearlessly. We looked at each other, eyeball to eyeball. Feeling disgusted, I slapped her.

"That's for being a selfish friend"
I hit her on the face again. "This is for taking my spa away from me"

I slapped her thrice this time. "That was for covering your fiancé's mistake and blaming me for taking him away from you"

"Edna!" She shrieked almost raising her hands on me when I held it. I twisted her small hands as she screamed in pain.

I scoffed. "This is small compared to the pain you've caused me Chloe. You'll regret your actions, I promise you"

"And what can a bitch like you do? "She asked sarcastically. "This is just a tip of the iceberg, because I'll ruin you. You'll be spelled for doom"

Someone held me back. "Let go of me!" I said with tears in my eyes.
Chloe tidied herself. "You're nothing more than a dead rat"

"Afta she don beat you finish  (after she has finished beating you)" one of the securities mocked as they laughed.
She eyed them and walked away.

"Calm down now,it's enough" a familiar voice whispered. I recognized the voice and cologne immediately.

Without looking at his face, I fell into the arms of the love of my life. He stroked my hair, to comfort me.
"I'm here now, don't cry" he said and wiped my tears with a  handkerchief.

"Come now, let's have some ice cream. I think you'll feel better yeah?"
I nodded.
We left for the ice cream bar.

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