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I eventually came back to my house. I was preparing for work when the doorbell rang.

"I wonder who it is"

I open the door and receive the greatest shock of my life. Guess who it is?


So unexpected.

My voice trailed off. "Hi. I mean, how did you get here?"

He chuckles, inserting his hands into his pockets."Am I welcome?"

I smiled. "Of course. Come in"

His male cologne and perfume mesmerized me as he passed by.

This is some real deep shit.

"I admire your taste for houses. I mean? Your house is beautiful. It's a quality one"

I give a faint smile. "Thanks"

"So you were curious on knowing how I got here right?"

I admit with a nod.

"Well well, my office is close by . It's a fifteen minutes drive from your house. And actually I saw one of your fliers at the reception in my office. Sleek Angel spa right?"

I scoffed. "That's right"

Gosh,I'm so surprised.

"Any more doubts?" He asked with scrutiny.

"Not at all. Uh.. ..... what will you like to have?" I stutter. "Coffee?"

"I'm okay. Don't bother. I'll be on my way. I came to confirm my doubt" He smiles.

I blinked in a way that was not noticeable. "What?"

I actually didn't want him to leave too soon.

Why is my fate like this? Men will always be men, lol.

"Okay bye. Thanks" I said, pretending to be unaffected. But deep down, I want to punch him.

He winked at me again. It was too cute!. It was actually cute. What the heck is wrong with me? A wink?

I giggle. "Edna!!"

Just then,my phone rings. I checked the caller's ID.


A bright smile curves on my lips immediately.

"Egbòn mi(my sibling in Yoruba language) how are you?"

"Edna my love" he teased. "I'm fine. It's just very cold over here"

"Pèlè(sorry inn Yoruba language). When you don't want to come back to Nigeria?"

He laughed. "I will. But before then,I've got good news for everyone"

I became very curious ."Tell me. I want to be the first person to hear it"

He sighed."I'm getting married soon"

I couldn't believe my ears. I screamed in happiness.

"Shuush. .. you'll burst my ear drums"

"Tunmise look, I really don't care if your eardrums should burst. I mean,this is very good news. I'm so so happy for you brother. Finally all the boys in the house are family men"

He chuckles. "I understand. But there's one thing you're missing"

"What's that?"

"Mom and dad are aware"

"Tunmise. ... it's not fair oh"

"Sorry ma. Next time you'll be the first launcher of my gist"
I smiled "no worries".

"So tell me, when are you going to be back? And I'm sure you're getting married to a white lady"

"What did you just say Edna? "He asked giving a long laugh "all these white women that cannot cook good food"

I laughed. "food monger. That means she's a Nigerian right?"

"Yeah. We actually met a year ago at McDonald's  and then.... I don't need to finish up the story"

"I wonder when this brother of mine will change. And that's nice. You didn't tell me all these while,huh?"

"Come on baby sis, I was waiting for the perfect time to tell you. And I did not realize the moment I fell in love. I didn't know we'd go this far. You feel me?"

"Yeah I do now. I'm sure someone is flushing over the phone" I teased.

"Stop it Edna" he laughs.

"By the way, she's an Igbo lady. Her name is Laura Egwatu"

"Nice. I'm very happy for you dear"

"Thanks baby sis. I'll be back in a couple of weeks time so that the introduction and other stuff can commence"

"That's right. I'll be expecting you. I can't wait to see you!"

"Same here baby. I need a favour from you. You really need to help me out with some stuff"


"Okay. First things first, I told her some months back that my sister is into all these stuff. Makeup, pedicure, hairdo and all. That was when we were getting close to each other. She remembered and told me she'd love if you could do those for her on her wedding. I guess she likes you already"

I blushed. "Wow, that's amazing. I'm glad to hear that. I feel important. So you gossip about me, hmm?"

He laughs for a while. "Stop this, I'm laughing so hard. You know that's not true"

"I know"

"There's no big deal. At all. You know bridal makeup is expensive so get ready to pay more than a million naira. I know you have a lot of money" I said with sarcasm in my voice.

"You can't be serious Edna.  I'm your big brother so it's free"

"Free you say" I chuckle."it's okay. Any amount you wanna pay is okay my me. Anything for you"

"Even ten Naira?"

"You've become something else,silly." I laugh.

"Thanks a lot Edna. You're the best sis in the world"

"You're the best brother in the world dear. Take good care of yourself and eat well okay?"

"Sure. Bye love. We'll talk later" he hangs up.

I feel delighted. But come to think of it, we spent over an hour on phone.

Funny boy.

I glance at my wrist watch. It's 10am.

I lock everywhere hastily and drive to work.

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