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My phone rang several times. The sound is deafening. I feel lazy to pick up.

Glancing at the clock, I close my eyes and slumber.

I caught sight of my screen. I guess it's 6am but it was kinda blurry so I didn't mind.

I was about closing my eyes with my pillow held closely to my chest. My phone rang again. This time, the noise was inevitably thunderous so I had to pick up.

Goodness me. Tunmise called all these while.

That was the tenth time he called.

"Shit" I mutter and dial his number with full speed. Mom informed me about his arrival in Lagos by 7am today and it totally skipped my mind.

He answers the call. "Edna. What's up?I've been calling all day"

I jumped out of bed. "I'm so sorry brother. I forgot your flight was this morning. Don't worry I'll be there soon".

"Alright. I'm at the car park".

"Do you know the colour of my car?"

"Wine red" he sighs. "It's a wine red car"

"That's right. Give me twenty minutes" I hung up briskly.

Promptly, I clean myself.

Applying a little powder, I wear a loose fitting gown and drive to the airport.


*45mins later*

I embrace Tunmise tightly. He hugs me back, smiling sweetly.

"I've missed you so much. How do you do? How was life in England?"

"I'm good. I've missed you too baby sis" he pecks my cheeks.

"By the way, it feels so good to be back" he says with an entirely different accent.

English boy.

"Of course it does. Let's get going. We have a lot to talk about" I smiled.

I held his hand as we walked to where my car is parked. I start the engine and our journey began.

"You've grown a lot" he uttered taking a look at me as I drove. "Look at your cheeks. They're chubby" he laughed.

"I know right. And you too. Don't tease me too much because stress is killing me alive. But I'm okay"

"Hehe. Sorry dear. Take a break"

"I sure will". Wiggling my eyebrows, I gave a smirk. "By the way, how's our wedding preparation going?"

He flushed. "It's all good. The introduction will take place on Friday. She's home now"

"Wow, That's swift. It's nice. Where does she reside?"

"Somewhere around Eric Moore in Surulere. So we have to travel on time"

"Yeah. Everything will go well, on God. And yeah, I have a friend that lives at Adeniran Ogunsanya. It's been quiet long since I visited that place"

"That's great. Gist me now,what's new? How are my brothers?"

"They're mine too yunno" I winked. "Well, I haven't heard from them in a long time. I trust they're good as well"

"And what's new is your wedding"

"They should be. You know being a family man ain't easy. My wedding is not something that big" he gave a little laugh.

"You think? If I should let mom know I'm getting married this instant, she'll announce it to the whole world"

He laughed. "Of course. You're our baby Edna and we want you to get married too, what do you say baby?"

"I'm on it. Pray for me to find a good man"

"Of course sis. You will, hmm?" He assured.

I melted. "If you weren't my brother, I'd have stolen you away from Laura. You are so cute Tunmise"

"You know I've told you once that your future wife will enjoy you"

"I know that and hey sis, I'm taken. Your Mr. Right is out there waiting for you" He chortles.

"You're crazy, okay?" I joined in the laughter, swerving to the other side of the road.

This is why Tunmise is the best brother in the world. Our vibe>>>>>

You should get what I mean.

I also love Tokunbo and Dare a lot, don't get it twisted.

We chatted till we arrived at my parent's.

Finding Mr. Right Where stories live. Discover now