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It's been three weeks since I visited or heard from my parents. I miss them so much especially my mom. You understand this situation when you're the last born and only girl. I really do want to see them but I've been very busy lately; work here and there. It's cool so far I'm earning enough cash.

Everyone has been anticipating towards my brother's marriage. I guess it's gonna be grand. Seriously I'm really excited because mom wouldn't pester or tease me for the main time. She'll be busy organizing and all.

I began to meditate. I miss my maternal cousin; Yemisi. We grew up together and were very close then(we still are but not as before).

People usually thought we were twins, funny enough. She's two years older than I am. She got married three years ago and joined her husband in London. She's six months pregnant now.

Memories of our childhood and teenage hood came flashing in my mind. There were times we fought and kept malice with each other, fought over unnecessary things,cried together when we didn't gain admission into the same secondary school,making jest of people and laughing our asses out. I actually did miss those good days; forming nicknames and competing at whose will be better(funny).

Telling bedtime stories and play fighting on the bed. Etc.

I smiled on  remembering  those days. Really, childhood are the best moments of an individual. Those are the times you get to do crazy and silly things.

Back then I'll think what I used to do was fresh and cool. Look at me now, I'm laughing my ass out.

That's how life is, enjoy each moment, and the happy moments while they last.

Just then,my phone rang. It's an unknown foreign number and doesn't look like  a Nigerian caller.

I picked the call. "Hello. Who's speaking?"

"Yewande. It's Yemisi" Her accent changed a little.

"Really? I've missed you so much. You're not a bastard, you know that right?" I asked.

"What's up?" She asked curiously.

"I was just thinking about you right now. Seriously, I miss your life "

"Me too Edna. I'm angry with you. I hope you know that."

"Ah why now?"

"Tunmise is getting married very soon and you didn't inform me. You don't even call anymore. Not fair."

"Ouch. ... I'm very sorry dear. I'm so occupied lately. Forgive me?"

She chuckled. "It's okay. I'll be in Lagos tomorrow so come pick me up at the airport,okay?"

"For real? That's good news. No worries, I'll be at the airport by 11am"

"Thanks. I have lots of gists for you"

"You always have gists in store for me. I also have for you too"

"Okay then. How's aunt Folake? And by the way,I miss Tokunbo,Dare and Tunmise too. I hope they're all doing well"

"Yeah they are. Mom is always disturbing me. How's aunt Iyabo, Tomi, Femi and our baby doing?"

Aunt Folake is my mom while aunt Iyabo is my maternal aunt (Yemisi's mom and my mom's younger sister. She's also with them in London). Femi is her husband and Tomi is her younger brother but based in Canada.

"They're all good. Our baby is always kicking"

"Pregnant woman" I teased,laughing.

She sobbed. "Leave me oh"

"I'm very sorry ma. Take very good care of yourself and our baby. My regards to Femi and aunt Iyabo. Okay?"

"Alright dear. I love you"

"Love you too baby. See ya tomorrow" I hang up.

I know we're cute.

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