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Hello readers. I'm sorry for the late and boring updates. I hope you enjoy the remaining chapters. I'll try to make them longer this time. Thanks for your understanding. ❤

Please don't forget to vote. Thank you! 💕


It's been two weeks since I've  been discharged from the hospital. I haven't gone to work yet, I still need to heal and meet up with dietary needs.

I'm at Anthony's. He has been taking very good care of me;  preparing healthy and tasty meals, taking care of the laundry, taking me to the cinema, malls and amusement park, making sure I don't feel bored and many more.

The more I look at him, the more I fall in love with him. He's the best thing that has ever happened to me.

No one apart from myself and Tony knows about my miscarriage. Mom calls frequently but I feel there's no need telling her. She'll just end up bursting into tears which I don't want. I've made up my mind to forget the past.

My phone rings. I get a call from my mother.
She's not a bastard tho.
"Maami (mother)" how are you?"
I asked.

"🎵he has done for me"
"he has done for me"
"he has done for me"
"he has done for me "
"What my father can not do"
"he has done for me"
"what my mother can not do"
"he has done for me 🎵"

She kept singing. I became keen on hearing the good news.
"Tell me the good news" I said.
"Laura is two weeks pregnant!" Mom exclaimed happily. A smile curved on my lips.

"Really? I'm happy for her. That's wonderful"
"This God is too good. That means I'll be expecting two grandchildren at a go!"
"Two? Where's the other one from?" I chuckled.

"You of course" she replied confidently.
A tear fell from my eyes. "That's right. I almost forgot"
"You're funny. To be very honest I feel embarrassed with God's blessings. I'm overwhelmed"

My tune fell flat. "Yeah"

Only if you knew, dear mom.

"I'll give Tunmise a call. To congratulate him, it's not easy" I laughed.
"Abi oh (agreeing)"
"How's Yemisi and aunt Iyabo? I learnt they returned to London recently"

"They're good my dear. They went back two days ago"
"Okay. Daddy nko? (how about dad?)"
"He's fine. Okay bye. Take care of yourself and your baby. I'll be coming over next week"

"Next week?" My eyes widened.
"Of course. I've been busy throughout the past few months that's why I'm unable to stay with you. But I will from next week, at least a month"

"A month?" My jaw dropped this time.
"Yes. Why do you sound surprised? It's not a bad idea"
I faked a brief laugh. "Don't mind me. Bye mom"
She hung up.

"I'll be expecting two grandchildren at a go! It's from you of course"

My eyes suddenly became wet. I can't help myself from crying this time. Mom's very happy to become a grandmother of two and I can't keep lying to her. I have to tell her, by hook or crook.

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