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Anthony and I got back together. I have a strong feeling there's something he's hiding. He apologized plainly plus he didn't look all that remorseful.

He's romantic though. I can still feel the touch of his hands on my face. The kiss he planted on my nose. ... oh my! Am I in love?

I guess it's high time I told myself the truth. I love Anthony and no one else. But he has so many ladies in his life. .. how sure am I?

I forgave him so easily, but why? To be honest if it were any other guy I'd have hated him but Tony's case is different.

Love is truly blind. I can see that.

God help me. They say, one step at a time. Calm down Edna.

I took a deep breath. I was about heading to the kitchen when my phone rang. It's Mom.

I answer. "Hello mom. How are you?"

"Edna.... " she began in a shaky voice "Mrs Adeleye was involved in a fatal accident. She needs blood transfusion urgently unless something worse may happen pl...."

"What?" I asked in shock "what hospital is she at?"

"I'll text it to you right away. Yewande, you're the only one who can donate blood to her. Please just do this for me, she's my only friend"

"How do you know?"

"Your blood group is O positive and she's B positive. No one else has the same blood group as you. Except those with B positive, B negative and O negative that can donate blood to her. There is no one else we know with those blood groups. Anthony is A positive, I'm A negative. Please dear" she explained.

I heave a deep sigh. "This is quite hard mom"

"I understand.  please don't say no. I beg you. ..." she broke down in tears .

I have to do this, somehow. At least even not for my mom, for Anthony. I won't be able bare it if she dies .... I'll never forgive myself.

"I'm on my way, don't cry. De- Life hospital right?"

"Yes darling. Be snappy, her condition is very critical"
I cleaned my eyes. "okay mom"
I drove to Coker Aguda.


"Don't cry my son" Mrs Ajayi consoled. "she'll be fine. Edna is on her way"

I fell into her arms "she's the only one I have. My siblings don't even know about it"

"God does" A voice said. It's a guy of about my age. He's kind of tall, and muscular. He's dark skinned with almond shaped eyes. He looks very familiar, but I just can't remember where I know him from.

"He's the good Samaritan that rushed your mom here" Mrs Adeleye explained giving a faint smile.
"Thank you my dear. God bless you"

I walked up to him . "Thanks a lot man. I'm grateful. I really don't know what would have happened if you didn't bring her on time"

He smiled giving a shrug "You are welcome. God's in control"

The doctor came out from the ward. I approached him.
"Doctor, please how's my mom doing? I want to see her"

He adjusted his glasses giving me a glance.  "she's better now; you don't need to worry. At least I can say she's safe. By the way, have you found someone for the transfusion?"

"Yes doctor. Anything else?"
"Not at all. Ensure to pay the bills before the operation which will take place tomorrow at seven pm. You can go see her now"

We shook hands . "Thank you sir"
He gave a reassuring smile and patted my back.

I sighed. Thank you God"

"Anthony!"I heard Edna's voice behind me. She was crying, it's obvious.

She hugs me. "You'll be fine babe"

Wow, she's sweeter than I thought.Her hugs mesmerize me. I love the smell of her hair and skin.

Am I okay?

Mrs Ajayi coughed with sarcasm. "I'm on my way to the ward"

"We'll join you mom"

I smiled.

"Harry?" Edna called out.

The dark skinned guy turned back. "Oh my,Edna!"
They hugged each other briskly.

I felt a pang of jealousy She's really smiling and chit chatting with another guy.I thought we just hugged right now. But here she is, talking and having fun with a stranger.

He's actually not a stranger anymore. He saved my mom. I don't care! She's mine!

I shot her a glare with a fake smile on my face. She winked at me. My blood boiled instantly. But wait, why am I feeling like this?

Could it be love?

Absolutely not.

I couldn't take it any longer, I walked away to see my mom. She needs me the most.

Not Edna.

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