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"Ekàsàn maami(good afternoon mother)" I greeted while on my knees.

"Bàwòni?(how are you )" she asked giving a smile . "I'm missing you already"

I chuckled."I'm good. I know you're teasing me. You're welcome. Come in"

"This your house fine o (your house is beautiful). I never thought I'll come all the way to see you. By the way, it's a big compound" she admired sitting on the couch.

"Thanks. It's the way I like it"

"Come here. Sit on my laps" she commanded. She usually does that whenever she has something very important to say.

I sat on her laps. It feels comfy.

"Yewande?" She called out.
"Maami" I answer.
"Yewande oh?"

"How many times did I call you?"

"Thrice" I replied, glancing at the clock. It's 3pm. Time flies.

"I have arranged someone for you to meet. He's a very nice guy. His parents are our family friends; the Adeleye's". She said proudly.

I got up."What? Don't tell me it's an arranged marriage?"

Her face turned pale."not at all my darling. It's just for the both of you to meet. If you don't like him there's no problem with that"

"But maami(mom) why didn't you tell me earlier? It's going to be weird" I stated.

"You wouldn't have agreed. That's why I did it this way. All I want is for you to be happy"

I understood her feelings.

I know my mom too well. This is one her emotional blackmails. Nevertheless, I want her to be happy.

I sigh exasperatedly. "Fine. I'll do as you say"

She smiled thankfully."Thanks. We're having lunch together by 2pm on Monday and I want you to be around before then"

"Alright then"

We chatted for a very long time.


Monday finally came. To be frank, I anticipated today ever since mom told me about this guy.


Edna. my brain booted.

I glance at my wristwatch. It's half past one already.

"Phew" I sighed "I pray he's cute. A cool personality will do"

I hate proud guys. Even if you're cute.

I dislike shy guys too.

I haven't told you something about me. I usually have a bad or should i say weird taste for guys. Funny isn't it? I don't know why; maybe it's because of my personality. Ever since I left secondary school, I never had time for guys. I guess that's the reason I'm not ready for marriage by now.

I arrange my office neatly and change to the clothes I wore earlier on. Then,I head down the stairs.

"I'll be leaving" I said facing all my workers. "I urgently need to attend an event"

"No problem ma" Mrs Damola replied.

"Please make sure everywhere is clean and tidy before locking up. Bye" I waved.


I parked my car at the car park and came down. I adjusted my sunglasses and walked majestically to the house.

"Mom. ....I'm around" I announced and went on my way to the room. It looks empty. I remove my shoes and glasses.

The door opened. It's her, my mom.

"Welcome my darling. Thanks for honouring my invitation "

"Come on mom, don't act so formal" I rolled my eyes feeling pissed off.

She laughed. "I thought you always say I'm an old school mom. Now,I'm trying my best to become the "new school mom" you want me to be"

"Really?" I asked in surprise and chuckled "it's okay. I love the way you are"


I fell silent. "You never change. I hope everything is ready? And where's Dad?"

"Oh that one. He went to pick them up. You know he likes oversabi(over doing things)" she replied and laughed "I told him not to".

"Not a bad idea"

"Oya let's go to the kitchen(let's go to the kitchen). It still needs some attention"she went out.

I stifle a yawn. "This woman won't kill me"

*20mins later*

The doorbell rang. Mom hastily went to open the door.

"Ekàsàn ma" I heard my mom greet."you're welcome"

My parents and the Adeleye's exchanged pleasantries.

"Where's Edna? I haven't seen her around" I heard the woman say.

"Huh"I mutter.

I knelt down opposite her "Good afternoon ma" then the elderly man "Good afternoon sir"

They smiled at me. It seems they are glad to see me.

"Afternoon my dear. How are you?" She asked. "You're very beautiful".

Her husband admitted with a nod.

"Thanks to her mother" Mrs Adeleye remarked.

Dad's smile faded too quickly. "But she's my daughter"

Gosh,this feels more like an arranged stuff. I'm suffocating already.

They all laughed.

"Thanks ma" I appreciated and went on my way to my room.

I took a deep breath."That's the first"

I became a little uneasy. I then decided to watch a movie in the living room.

My parents were busy interacting with the Adeleye's.

"Where's Anthony?" My mom asked curiously.

Just then, the door opened. My heart skipped.

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