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"I hope you loved your surprise?" I asked Edna facing her.
"Yes darling. You're the best" she pecked my right cheek.
I flushed.

"The roads are free and it's just 6pm. Lagos is improving" Edna commended.
"I know right"

Before I knew what was going on, I found myself on high speed. I tried controlling it but it wouldn't stop.
"What's going on?" Edna panicked.

"Calm down Edna, don't panic" I took a deep breath.

The car kept controlling itself, moving sideways, backwards, forwards. I held the brakes thinking it'd stop but no, I was wrong.

My heart raced. Fear set in. Edna was already sweating, trying to assist me.

"Yewande. ...." I began in a husky voice. "I love you and always will. Don't be scared, I beg of you to be brave'
"What should we do?" She held my arm tightly.

Voom. ..Voom. ..Voom! Voom voom!

"Open the door and jump out of the car, I'll do the same. Our lives and the life of our unborn child is at stake here, we just have to do this" I explained.

She nodded.
"Ready?" I asked her. She closed her eyes tightly, I can sense her fear.

We jumped out simultaneously. I rolled on the floor, hitting my head against a pothole. Edna rolled to the other side, her tummy banged against a stone.

"Owwww. .Ou . .ouch! Somebody help!" She yelled in pain. No sooner, she got soaked in blood.

Kiarrrsssssssssssssh! The car bumped into a tree.

"Ednaaaaaaaaa!" I screamed at the top of my voice. I managed myself to get up, although I sustained head injury. It wouldn't stop me from saving the love of my life. I carried her bridal style, she's in a lot of pain.

"An...thony. .." she muttered with the little breath left in her.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine darling. Please be strong I beg of you"

People gathered. Ambulance arrived immediately.
I placed her on the stretcher with no wastage of time.

God please help us. Save Edna, let nothing happen to her.

*45 minutes later*

I'm at the hospital. I've been given first aid, my head has been bandaged. I opened my eyes, a sharp headache says hello to me. I jerked out from the bed, removed the drip violently from my hand and begin my search for Edna.

"Where's Edna?" I asked the nurse that came out from the ward where she is.
"I'm very sorry sir, she has lost a lot of blood and is in a critical condition. Hope she doesn't have a miscarriage"

I felt numb. "Miscarriage? But how come?"
"I'm sorry sir I can't explain that to you at the moment" she shook her head.
"Can I see her?"
"Not at all sir. Please go and have some rest, you need it"
I sat down hopelessly.

I never imagined this was going to happen. I thought all our sad days are over and we're starting a new life afresh. But I guess I was wrong.

I can't give up so easily.

"But how did the brakes become  faulty? On our way going nothing like such happened.  Why was it coming back? Someone must have tampered with it intentionally,to kill Edna and myself " I thought aloud.

I'll surely get you, irrespective of who you are.

A father's promise.


My eyes opened. I have a splitting headache. My waist aches, I feel abnormal.

The last thing I remember was that I was on the road in a pool of blood. Tony and I were involved in an accident, but not really.

The doctor came in. "Miss Edna? How are you feeling?"
"I have a severe headache and my body aches so much"
"I'm sorry about that. But Miss Edna, we have something very important to tell you about"

Her face looks sweaty. She looks like she doesn't know how to express her first statement which made me curious.

"Yes ma'am?"
"We're sorry but you've lost your baby. We tried our possible best but God knows why"

I jolted from bed, startled. "Tell me it's a lie doctor! I won't believe a word you say"
Heavy tears formed in my eyes.
"Calm down Miss Edna, God knows best. We're just caretakers"
I pulled out the drip from my hand. Memories of how I imagined my baby made me push things away. The injections, bed, anything I saw.

People rushed in. Anthony tried holding me back but couldn't. I rooted out my hair from my head. It wasn't painful, I've had to bear worse pains in my life. Two hefty men carried me to the next ward, I don't have any strength left in  me.

"Edna" Tony whispered.
We hugged each other. He stroked my hair as usual, to comfort me. I can sense that he was in tears too, but doesn't want make me weak. I just kept crying, still in shock.

"What has happened has happened. You can't go back. Please darling, stop crying. I know it's going to be very hard for you but what can man do? I myself also feel the same pain you do. Please I beg of you, don't cry" he said.

"Why is God testing us? Can't we also be couple goals? I'm tired of all these, can't you see?"

"It's okay dear. One day, we'll both turn back and give each other a high-five. It's not going to be easy but God is alive, okay?"

I admitted with a nod. "I'll always love you"
"Me too. And I promise to get that wicked soul that did this to us. He or she won't go scot free"

He stretched out his hands. "Do you trust me?"
I joined my hands with his. "More than my life"

We hugged each other. I cried. 

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