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"I'll chop the onions and you'll pound the pepper and crayfish"
"Yes ma" he replied rinsing the small mortar.
I blushed "stop calling me ma. It's entering my head too much"

He gave a long laugh "silly"
I stirred the content of the soup and had a taste of it.

I nodded "Hmm....delicious"
"Ouch" Anthony flicked finding his way to the tap. "That silly pepper got into my eyes"
I giggled silently watching him. He looked funny and. ..... sexy if I must say.

"I can hear someone laughing. Come help me please"
I switched the tap on and washed his face.
"Oh goodness! Thanks"
I offered him a kitchen towel "you're welcome. Next time, don't put your face close to the mortar okay?"

"Yes ma'am"
I blushed "let me...."
He pulled me back facing him.
We had an eye lock.
"You're very beautiful Edna" he caressed my skin as I closed my eyes inhaling the warmth of his touch.
He turned me around and placed his hands on my waist. I held his mild hands tightly.

Gosh, I want more of this.

He planted kisses on my neck as I followed to the rhythm of his symphony. I faced him and our lips met each other. His lips tastes like strawberry vanilla flavored ice cream that I didn't want to let go. Slowly, his hands went down to my cleavage, fondling the circles of my nipples.

"Tony. ....." I moaned.

"Do you trust me?" He whispered softly into my ears making me melt.

He looked at me deeply. I could only see love, lust, passion and the feeling of want.
"Yes I do" I cooed closing my eyes as he stroked my hair. He really does know how to seduce a woman.

"I love you so much Edna and I know you love me too" he confessed staring at me.
I couldn't believe my ears. It's like a dream come true.

The flashback of how he kissed Nifemi came back again. The feeling of getting used and dumped overwhelmed me.

I squeezed through his arms and got up. "The soup is burning"
He heaved a sigh. Of disappointment.
Now, I feel guilty but I can't help it.


We ate in awkward silence. I can feel butterflies in my stomach. To be honest, I've lost appetite. He isn't even staring at me the way he used to.

"How's the soup?" I broke the silence.
"It's tasty. You're a good cook" he said with his head lowered.

He's hurt, it's obvious.

"When will Darasimi live for Australia?" I asked
"Tomorrow morning" he tried  avoiding eye contact but didn't work out.
I got up and held his hand.
"I know you're hurt. I'm sorry for that and let's give it some time. What do you think?"

"As you wish Edna. Always remember that I really do love you and I'll be here for you whenever you're ready"

He sounds and looks sincere. I love him a lot but I just can't tell him immediately. It should obviously take some time. One step at a time.

I hugged him like never before. "Thanks. I feel very loved indeed"
He pecked my forehead "it's 4pm. We should hang out yeah?"
I nod frantically "of course. Let's get going"
He smiled at me giving a wink "I'll be right back"

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