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It has been a month since I saw or heard from Edna. I miss her a lot. I think I'm obsessed with her, I  always think about her. Ever since I saved her from rape at her brother's wedding, she became stuck in my head.

The last time we saw each other was at the hospital. I wonder how she's related to the woman that had the accident. And the tall guy, the woman's son. They looked good beside each other to be honest. I really want her. She's my dream lady.

But we hardly communicate. It's not late, I'll text her right away. I always had her contact on whatsapp but forgot to say hi. If we eventually become close, marriage is next on the list. She's very irresistible and beautiful. Her smiles and packaging. .....

She has front and back. What I want in any lady.

I open my whatsapp and search for her contact. On seeing it, I  leapt for joy. Her display profile is amazing. She's an angel.

Me: Hello Edna! It's Harry

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Me: Hello Edna! It's Harry. ✅

I checked my display profile. I hope I look as handsome as ever.

My mind tells me to change it but I don't feel like. I know I look charming, any lady will drool over me.
But Edna won't. How sure am I?
I won't change it. I look good, no worries.

My phone beeped

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My phone beeped. It's a message from Edna. My hands were shaky as I opened the message.

Edna: Harry? From where exactly? 😯

I became dumbfounded.


Anthony drove me home. I already feel lonely. I wonder how I'll cope without him. It's been fun staying with him. I enjoyed every single moment we shared.

"I'm missing you already" I confessed holding his left arm as he drove.
He pecked my lips "me too darling. But weekend is over, work has to continue"
"You're right. By the way, when next will you show up for your tutorials?" I asked curiously.

He scratched his head "I don't know yet, but soon"
"Sure?" I asked like a child  patiently waiting for his sweets.
"Yes baby. I know you want me to come tomorrow"

I punched his arm hard. My knuckles felt weak.
"Ouch....." I winced.
He stifled a laugh "see......you look weak"
"I am. That's the feeling of having sex for the first time"

I realized we didn't use any protection while having sex. Wait? I'm going to be pregnant?
Oh no!

"Tony. ....stop the car right now!" I exclaimed.
He looked surprised. "Why? What's wrong?"

"Just park the car over there and come down please. No questions for now"
"Okay okay. But you need to calm down"
I held my forehead.  I can't be pregnant. No no no.

"Tell me what the matter is" he asked examining my face.
I cleaned some sweat. "We didn't use any protection. I'm very scared Tony. I'm. ..go...going to be pregnant"
He laughed very hard.  I stood with a lost expression.

"It's not funny" I said irritably.
He held my hands in a caring manner. Stroking my hair, he looked into my eyes.
"I thought you said you trust me?"

I nodded faintly. "Yes... bu. ....but"

He placed his index finger on my lips. "No but. You're scared of what's gonna happen? Come on, I'm the father of our child. It doesn't matter what people may  say. I love you Edna that's the point. It'll make me happier to hear you're pregnant. I love you so much"

He sounded real and sincere. I trust him without any fears.
I hugged him tightly "I love you too."
"Are we cool?" He winked.
I smiled giving a blush.
He chuckled "You're dramatic"
"I know. I was just scared of the unknown"
"It's fine"

Finally, we arrived at my house. He helped me out of the car.
"It's time to leave. I'll always give you a call okay?"
Tears welled up in my eyes. "Yes. Anytime you feel tired from work, don't hesitate to come over okay?"

He pulled me into his arms "sure. don't cry. It's just for five days"
I nodded.
"I want a kiss"
"My bad girl. ..." he teased when I placed my lips on his.

We kissed passionately. I loved it.
He held my waist. I hugged him tightly.
"Bye" he wiped my tears with a soft paper.

"Bye" I said.
He drove away staring at me. I waved.
I entered the house and slumped on the sofa.
"I'm back"


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