Honeymoon 😍

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Two weeks later,


I feel delighted and should I say relieved? I'm finally married,and an expectant mother. I find it so surprising like it was just yesterday my mom and dad were pestering me to get married. How time flies.

Everyone is settled now, to their different lives. Sienna,Mirabel, Clara, Shirley and Fiona have gone back abroad. Yemisi left two days ago to London with her husband, son and aunt Iyabo. Tomi went back to Canada and the rest.

Anthony and I finally announced my pregnancy to the whole family. There was another party. You know we Yoruba folks, owambe(party) is our second name,lol.

They surprised me on my birthday as well. I thought they'd forgotten. Guess the surprise?

Two tickets to Paris for honeymoon. It was so cute, like Anthony just kept laughing,silly boy.

So now tell me, aren't family the best set of humans one could ever have?hmm?

Have I told you about how it feels to be called Mrs? With an entirely different surname? It's hilarious,wow. It's a good feeling too. Like I'm Mrs Adeleye no more Miss Ajayi Edna.

I haven't told you about Anthony. He's been the best, now and always. So we're finally together forever. It amazes me.

Anthony taps me. I jerked into reality.

"Hey love. What's making you think?" He winked,handing me a glass of orange squash.

"Nothing really darling" I pecked this cheeks. "Thanks"

"It's all good. So how are you doing? Is your tummy okay?"

"Yes baby" I shook his nose affectionately. "You worry too much"

He scoffed. "I'm gonna be a father you know. I have to look after you for the main time,huh?"

"Yes babe. When do you decide on leaving for Paris?"

He tilted his head. "I really don't know. You?"

"Next week?" I realized it's just Tuesday.

"Okay then. Done"

"Awww" I blowed a kiss. "Do you wanna stroll?"

The doorbell rang.

"Stay here. I'll see to it" he heads towards the door.

I wonder who it is.


I open the door. It's Eugenia,my childhood friend from BSA.

"Hey girl,long time" I pulled her into a hug. She hugs me too.

"It's been a very long time,Tony. How are you doing?"

"I'm so good. Come in" I invited.

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