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Anthony and I had told my parents about our engagement. Luckily, my dad was present. They kept teasing the both of us especially myself. My dad was very happy that he couldn't hide it anymore. We popped champagne before we left to show the excitement that was in the air.

My phone rings. It's Tokunbo.
I chuckled before answering the phone. "Hello, Tokunbo what's up? How's aunt Ayo and the kids?"

"Edna baby. .... we're good. We've received the good news. She's finally getting married!" He said gaily.

I flushed. "Yeah thanks"

"Edna?" Tony called from the balcony.

"I'm on the phone" I replied.

"So our loverboy is calling" Tokunbo teased. "I'm happy for you baby. Sometimes I even thought you'll never get married"

"Ahh. ...Brother Tokunbo" I laughed. "It didn't get to that stage nau"

"It did oh!" He exclaimed. "When you were 24, we were all expecting to hear the good news that some lucky guy has paid Yewande's bride price but she wasn't ready, we were worried sick about you"

I laughed,amused. "Imagine. Well, no one should feel apprehensive anymore. Everybody's dream especially mom and dad's has come true"

"Abi (right)" He sighs. "I'm stuck here in traffic. Lagos roads get worse on a daily basis"

"Sorry brother. It's all for the best. Thanks for calling, I love you so much"

"I love you more baby Edna. Take good care of yourself and Tony. Where's he by the way? I want to congratulate him?"

"Okay" I walked to the balcony. Anthony was reading a magazine when I handed the phone to him.
"Tokunbo, my brother"

He smiled. "Hey bro! How u dey? (How are you)"

I blushed sitting on Tony's laps. He held me closely to himself, probably laughing at Tokunbo's constant teasing or jokes.

Amongst my brothers ,Tokunbo has more sense of humor followed by Tunmise then Dare. Dare is usually serious, he's a money minded man; very cautious of time management and abhors carelessness.

"Have it" he inserted my mobile phone in my shorts.

"Thank you" I stretched on him intentionally. He held my hands.

"You weigh so much, oh my!" He exclaimed measuring the size of my arm. "You've become so chubby"

"No ahn" I folded my arms raising my face in the air. "I just added a little weight"

'Come on darling, I love you the way you are. No lady in this world is as perfect as you are. Even if you were slim, my love for you won't change either" he pecked my cheeks. I flushed.

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