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I arrived at her house. It's big, beautiful,well furnished with glass and shiny stones.

I rang the doorbell.

"Who's it?" A feminine voice asked.
"Edna Ajayi" I replied "Agbani Michelle right?"

The door opened. A slim figure showed up, it's her.

"Yeah,you're welcome. Have a seat. How do you do?"

I smiled. "I'm okay. It was quite difficult tracing your house"

"It's okay. That's one of the problems we face in Lagos. By the way, what would you like to have?"

I chuckle. "It's okay. I came for your nails dear"

"Okay. "

Her manicure and pedicure lasted for an hour. We chatted as I focused on her nails. She's cool and funny but kind of a chatterbox.

"Okay thanks" She hands me an envelope.

"Count the money" Tola whispers.

"shush" I snapped.

She frowned a little.

I put on a smile. "Okay I'll be leaving now. Thanks"

"Alright bye"

We drove back to the salon.


Today had been stressful but it's normal. I drove home.

I enter the house and find my dad watching football. He travelled on a business trip for a very long time. I guess he just arrived.

"Daddy!Ekalè sir(Good evening sir)" I greeted kneeling down. It's a tradition in Yoruba land for a girl child to kneel down while greeting her parents and elders. It shows respect.

"How are you my daughter?I've missed you so much" He pecks my cheeks, embracing me.

"I've been good father. You know how Lagos is, very stressful" I heaved a sigh.

"Pele my dear (sorry my dear). You know you have to make money and nothing good comes easy"

I nodded. "You're right. I'll be leaving tomorrow because I have a lot of work at hand"

"There's no problem my child" He smiles.

"Where's mom?" I asked.

"She's at a friend's. She'll be back soon"

Strange. Mom never visits anyone without a reason. Well, I won't bother about it.

Thank Goodness it's Friday. I'll have some time to rest . The week has been very stressful.

I freshened up and went to bed after prayers.


I woke up early this morning; the aroma of iya rukayat's akara (bean cake) jolted me from sleep. Funny.

I clean myself up and arrange my clothes neatly in my box. I ensured no stones was left unturned.

Mom and dad are still asleep. I don't want to disturb anyone so I quietly roll my box down the stairs and drive home.

So I haven't really told you about my family yet. I have three elder brothers : Dare, Tokunbo and Tunmise. Dare is the eldest of my brothers. He got married seven years ago and has three kids.

Tokunbo is after Dare. He got married five years ago and has three kids; fraternal twins and a girl. The last but not the least is my favourite brother,

He's the best brother in the world. I'll tell you why very soon.


I got home by quarter past eleven. Mom had called thrice but I didn't pick up because I don't make calls while driving.

I came down from my car.

"Welcome madam. How u dey? (How are you )" my security, Musa asked.

"I'm good. How have you been?"

He nodded. "Fine jare. (fine)"

"Okay. Please bring my luggage inside the house. I feel tired to carry them" I requested.

Just then, my phone rang. I checked who's calling.

My mom. I wonder why she's so worried.

"Hello mom. I'm home already"

"Yewande. ....why didn't you inform us when you were about leaving? I was so worried about you"

I rolled my eyes."Mom, I'm no longer a kid . I can look after myself. I actually didn't want to disturb you both"

The feeling of a last born.

She sighs."But still , I had to be worried. Anyways, I'm coming to see you later. We have something very important to discuss"

"Alright mom. Call me when you get here, okay?"

"Okay my dear. We'll talk later"

I hang up and head to my room which is upstairs.

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