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I was done with Vanessa's hair. She'd slept on my laps throughout. I was happy she didn't cry, she just kept still. Children like her are my favorites. If you cry while I'm making your hair then you won't be my friend. And you wouldn't get any chocolates from me.

Children mentality.

Harry came back; looking more beautiful! I glanced at the clock, it's 5pm. It then occurred to me that I'd planned to give Anthony a surprise visit.

I hope I'm not late.

He walked up to me leaving all the ladies to stare. Some of them ogled.


I wonder why they can't just remove their eyes. They're now giving me this "nawa oh (na only you?)" look.

It's kind of embarrassing but I like it like that.

"Thanks Edna. Although I really don't know things about hair and all but I can say for a fact that her hair is nice. I'm sure her mom will bring her here again"

I flushed at his compliments. "Don't make my head swell too much oh. Thanks anyways, I did my best"
He handed me an envelope. "You're blushing?"

I rolled my eyes"oh no! By the way,she fell asleep immediately I combed her hair"

He gave a short laugh. "Don't mind her. Anyways, I'll be leaving immediately. I have to visit someone urgently" he stated carrying Vanessa as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Okay. Safe journey. And please give this to her" I said handing him a bar of bounty.
"Thanks. I'm sure she'll love it. Okay bye"

"You're welcome. Bye"
His walking steps are still peng.

"I know what's going on" Lola cooed.
I jolted and gave her a friendly punch as she wiggled her brows and walked away.

Silly girl.


I'm at Anthony's. It seems like there's no one at home. His car is packed at the car park. Maybe he's busy so I didn't mind.

I walk up to the door and notice a footwear that obviously belongs to a lady. I recalled him telling me that he doesn't invite ladies to his house except for confidential matters.

Strange, I'd admit. But I came by to say hello.

I rang  the doorbell but I guess it's malfunctioning. It didn't cross my mind to knock so I open the door.
My bag fell immediately from my hand as I froze at the door post.

It's Anthony and Nifemi, the lady that calls herself my padi

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It's Anthony and Nifemi, the lady that calls herself my padi. Yes she's the one.

They were kissing passionately. Her legs were wrapped around his waist as he hungrily brushed his lips with hers like a lion that just caught his prey. I couldn't even utter a word, I kept looking at them like a statue.

They pulled away on noticing my presence. But there was no need, I'd seen everything.

He swallowed "hi....... Edna, you're here? Welcome. Come in. Why stand at the door post?"
He's still pretending like nothing happened, that's what hurts the most.  Nifemi's eyes begged me. I closed my eyes and felt hot tears pouring down my cheeks.

He advanced towards me "Are you okay?"
I stepped back and hurried to my car.
"Listen! Wait!"
I started the engine and headed home.
I cried as I drove. It's a Nightmare right? Can't someone wake me up?  I pinched myself hard and flinched.

It's reality Edna, your "so called" friend was having an intimate affair with Anthony.

The tears fell heavily. I could feel them pouring them down mercilessly. I mean, I was falling in love with him and he confessed that he liked me but I didn't tell him anything. I just responded with a thank you. But in my heart,  I was dying to have him.

Nifemi won't be able to deny the fact that I didn't tell her about Anthony although they knew each other from Tunmise's wedding. I shared every secret with her but is this what I get in return?

Your enemies are in your household. Never judge a book by its cover.

Now I understand the meaning of those proverbs.

I vividly remember when mom told me this. I was still very young then, like nine or ten years old.

I wipe my tears with a soft paper and encouraged myself by putting on a forced smile. I usually do this to reduce brain stress and trust me, it works.

Somehow I'll get over this. I pray I never meet them again, but I know it's impossible. I wish I could just cry my problems out. There's only one person who can console and advice me.
My mom.

I glanced at my wrist watch, it's 7pm. Not so late. At least by 8:30pm I should be at my parent's.
I reversed and began my journey to VI.

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