Wedding bells are ringing!!! 🎆🎆

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Hey....😂😂. I don't want to apologize so I won't get beaten . All I want to say is that I love you.💕

Edna's P. O. V

My eyes opened as soon as I heard the cock crow. I can't believe the day I've been anticipating about since I was a little girl is here, right in front of me. A dream come true, yes!! I'm finally getting married. Not to any guy, but my soulmate. I'm so grateful to God for all he's done in my life.

I get up from the bed, stretching my body. I screamed out of extreme joy and happiness. Oh my, it's feels amazing.
The door opens. My bridesmaids. I hugged them at a time.

"Congrats baby girl. It's your wedding day. Ooouuuu!!!!" Clara danced.

"Yes oh!!!!!" Fiona added jumping like child who has never entered a car before.

"Come on girls, we should help Edna get ready. You know it's gonna be a long day" Mirabel rubbed my back, smiling.

"Yes yes. Mirabel is absolutely right. Your family members will be here  any minute from now. I'm sure your mom is over the moon at the moment" Shirley curved her hands upwards, which made us laugh.

"Oh that's right dear. Thank you girls for being there for me. It's really a thing of joy to be around people that love you during happy times" I smiled wholeheartedly.

"Eddy. Eddy. Eddy. You wouldn't want to get some spanking from me right? I guess you're gonna need that soon" Sienna sighed. "I told you number of times not to say "thank you" to us"

"I'm so sorry ma'am, but it's needed in this case" I laughed at her expression. Sienna could be hilarious at times.

The doorbell rings.

"I'll see to it" Clara said. "You guys should help Edna get ready,yeah?"

"Your family is here" Mirabel said peeping through the window.

Anthony's P. O. V.

I stayed awake almost all night long. What do you call such? Happiness or should I use the word Joy?? I mean, I don't know what to call it but the feeling is just too amazing. I'm getting married today. That is, I'm becoming a family man in a few hours. To be frank, I feel elated and I thank the good Lord.

I open my whatsapp and receive lots of congratulation texts. Both from friends far and near. Including my old friends from secondary school, school of accounting in California, school of technology in Kentucky and so many others.

I kneel beside my bed and say my morning prayers, thanking God for all the blessings. I recently got closer to God. Maybe it's because of my marriage I guess. A counsellor advised Edna and myself to do that. And honestly, it's wonderful.

I can't wait to finally be with Iyawo mí(my wife), the love of my life, Edna. I'm sure she's eager for us to be together too. It's gonna to take a few hours but man's not hot!!!!!!


The Adeleye's and the Ajayi's are on their way to the service. Anthony and his groomsmen are in a separate car from the rest of the Adeleye's. Edna is also with her bridesmaids in another car, from the rest of the Ajayi's.

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