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"I know. She really wants me to get married but I'm not ready. I don't want to yet. Not at all. By the way, she arranged for me to meet her friend's son. Wasn't that enough?"

"But why don't you want to get married? You're twenty seven already! Come on Edna"

"I want you to understand my point of view. I don't want to get married to the wrong person. That's why I need some time. I don't mind getting married at thirty"

She grimaced. "What? Don't say such please. Twenty nine is too old for marriage"

African or should I say Nigerian mentality.

"That's why not everyone is lucky to get a husband on time. And not everyone sees marriage the way you all do. You of all people should know I don't have time for guys and all. I don't fancy them. I just have them as friends. I'm trying my best to"

"So tell me something" she demands. "Don't you have male friends that want something serious,more like a relationship?"

I sigh. "Of course I do. Opening my heart to a guy is uh...."

She cut me off immediately. "That's it dear. You can't tell me none if them is not interested in you?"

"Maybe they are"

"Now you see my point"

"So what are you insinuating?"

"Give any of the serious ones a chance. Maybe you'll find your "Mr. Right" ".

"Fine" I returned. "Let's see how it goes then"

"Yeah. It's a suggestion" she corrected. "not an advice. If it works then thanks to me".

I pinched her. "na so (agreeing sarcastically). Thank you sweetheart. I feel better now"

"We're now grown ups oh. See my tummy; you know I would have pinched you back and we'll start play fighting on this bed. And yes, anything for you boo"

"I know right. I really do miss those days"

"Yeah. Me too"

"Okay, we've had a long day. And I didn't go to work today. So, we have to go to bed now."

She yawned. "Yeah, you're right. I feel tired. Get a blanket and lay beside me. I can't sleep alone at nights"

"Really?" I asked checking the wardrobe for one. "Is it scary?"

"Not that. I'll feel insecure. Now I miss Femi. He always sleep beside me so I don't get to feel afraid"

"Cute behavior" I smile.

"Couple goals" I mumble."Edna and Anthony. Cute isn't it?" I flushed.

Wait, what? Did I just blush?

I need to for a checkup.

"Yewande?"Yemisi called out.

I realized I was talking gibberish. "I'm coming baby"

She switched off the lights.

We told each other bed time stories and slept off.

I've missed Yemisi's soul.

Finding Mr. Right Where stories live. Discover now