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*four weeks later*

I'm done preparing for work. I decided to visit my mom to say hello before leaving.

"Maami?" I called out searching her room.

"My Yewande" I heard her say from the living room.

We embraced each other with so much affection. I've missed her so much.

"I've missed you a lot. How are you?" I asked.

"I'm fine my dear. I've missed you more darling. You don't look good" she scrutinizes me.

I tapped her shoulder lightly. "I'm fine. come on mom, it's stress"

She rolled her eyes pretending to be suspicious. "Are you sure?  abi you don carry belle? (Are you sure? Or are you pregnant?)"

I laughed. "Stop teasing me"

Damn! She almost got me.

I may not be pregnant. I pray so. I'll go for a pregnancy checkup today, that would be much better.

"What are you thinking about?" Her hands playing with my hair.

"I have new employees today so I'm worried about their pay" I lied through my teeth.

"It's nothing to be worried about, God will provide"

"Amen. Thanks mom. How's Dad?"

"He's good. He'll be back from Minnesota today"

"Great. I hope you take good care of Mrs Adeleye?"

She nodded. "Of course.  She's my Òre nau (she's my friend)"

"Alright mom. Take care. I love you"

She pecked my cheeks. "I love you too my baby. Bye. Nice day"

I drove off. Mom waved.


I've being feeling dizzy through out today. I have frequent throw ups and nausea. My appetite just grows out of hand. On a normal day I don't sleep a lot but now, I sleep all the time. I crave for things that I hate.

I'm pregnant, no doubts about that. I knew this was going to happen. I shouldn't feel anxious, Anthony assured me everything will be okay.

I wash my face at the tap and stared at the reflection of myself in the mirror. I heard the door open. I wonder who entered my office without knocking. Chinwe is on leave and there's no one on her seat.

I locked the bathroom door. Peeping through a hole I usually created on my doors, I found Nifemi scattering some wigs and weavons. I wonder what she's up to.

Just then, Chloe came in.

"Where's Edna?" Chloe screamed. "I'll kill her right here and now"

"Shush" Nifemi placed her hands on her mouth. "We can do this together"

Chloe sat down on the table and folds her arms. "I thought you supported Edna and not me?"

Nifemi shrieked. "That was THEN, not now. I hate Edna with passion. She took my Anthony away from me. I'll make her life a living hell"

Mrs Damola came in. "Excuse me ladies, our madam is not on seat. Please kindly leave her office, she wouldn't like this"

Just then, a huge slap landed on Mrs Damola's face. I gasped. 

It was Chloe. My blood boiled for a second.

"The next time you EVER try this rubbish, I'll make sure you're fired. You common pauper! Get out from my sight!" Chloe spat.

Nifemi banged the door on her face. The expression on Mrs Damola's face wasn't that great.

I'm frightened. I don't know what to do. Why will she raise her hands on her? I mean, she's old enough to be her mother. Nifemi slammed the door on her face. What is going on?

"This paper you see right here is to frame Edna" Nifemi stated giving a long laugh.

She hit the table. "Just watch how she rots in jail"

"Babe, but how?"

"This paper in my hands states that this spa is mine. On the date you see here, it means she falsified her name instead of mine. I even forged her signature"

Chloe clapped. "Excellent. This is great. I really can't wait to see how she'll be humiliated. She took Mike away from me. Now, he keeps calling her name even in his sleep! I just can't help the hatred I have for her! She's disgusting"

Tears formed in my eyes. I crumpled hopelessly to the floor. Are these the people I once called friends?

Chloe and Nifemi think I took everything away from them. By being a nice friend? I just can't comprehend all these drama.

The tears fell. I cried silently.

"She slapped and disgraced me at the hospital! She made Anthony drag me in the mud! I'll never forgive her. She took everything away from me!" Nifemi yells, livid.

"Now, I'll have to separate the both of them. I'm carrying Tunde's child but I claim it's for Tony. That's the only way get them seperated"

They gave each other a high five and left briskly.

I came out from the bathroom and wept like never before.

Why me? I never knew friends are this bad.

Tears continued streaming down my face for about two hours not until my vision became completely black.

*black out*

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