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I arrived at the airport. Everywhere is rowdy. A lot of people are travelling and vice versa.

I remove my sunglasses and wait patiently at the counter(she asked me to wait here for her).

Someone taps me. I turn back. It's Yemisi.

I'll be a big liar if I say I can recognize her properly. Assuming there isn't a black spot at the side of her cheek then I'll assume she isn't my cousin.

Damn, pregnancy causes a lot of changes.

"My God. Look what pregnancy has done to my baby. I mean, you've added so much weight!" I exclaimed in surprise.

We hugged each other.

"What do you expect? This is not the time to talk and not a place to chatter. Let's get into the car. I've missed you boo." she holds my hand tightly "my waist aches.... Ooof"

"Sorry....." I managed and hold her waist carefully as I roll her box.

We finally got to where my is parked. It wasn't easy holding her waist and rolling her box at the same time.

This is just the beginning of my suffering.

"I know you're thinking on how you'll survive living with a pregnant woman" she stated, entering the car carefully.

"You're right" I replied starting the engine. "Welcome back to your fatherland, Nigeria"

"Thanks. It feels so nice at home. To be honest I missed everything about Nigeria"

"You should. Anyways, I'm happy you're back. I won't be lonely any longer"

"Aunt Folake is always there to keep you company. I'm sure you love it"

"Don't try to be hilarious. I got my house immediately after your wedding. Staying with them was unbearable"

She laughed humorlessly. "I thought a as much and that's great. Our baby Edna is now a big girl. Eeeee oh (teasing).  Thank God. Where do you reside? "

"Banana Island"

"Omo! Yewande is rich oh. I'm sure it was very expensive"

I laughed a little."You're back, abi? And yes, it actually was. My house was about fourteen to fifteen million Naira"

"Wow. .... no support?" She shook her head. "That's a lot"

"At all. I had to work my ass out to save enough money. I wanted a fancy house and I got one eventually. Everyone were surprised on how I suddenly got my house. But it was God's doing"

"Fantastic" she complimented "I hope there's food for me sha? Enough one at that?"

"Pregnant women though" I giggle. "I had to purchase enough food condiments. Also I specially prepared goat meat peppersoup with Amala and Ewedu for you"

She pecked my cheeks and smile sweetly. "You always know how to surprise me"

"Of course. You're my sister from another mother" I wink.

"That's right"

We chatted till we got home.

Trust me, it's natural for women to talk a lot.

*25mins later*

"Welcome to my home!" I helped her out of the car.

She  kept staring and observing the house "Wow baby! This is amazing. You really do have big eyes"

It was funny. I laughed very hard.

"Come on, I worked hard and bought it"

She pouted. "I know ma. I really need to sit down. Let's go inside"

"You're so lazy" I roll her box. I wonder where Musa is.

She sat down tiredly on the sofa.

"I'm famished. A glass of water please?" She requested.

"I've turned to your maid abi(right)? Don't worry, immediately after your delivery, I'll spank you" I hand her the glass of water.

She finished it in no time. "This feels good. Bossing Edna around. Phew. I feel relieved.

I sigh.

She chortles. "Come on baby, you know you have to take good care of me. As you know, I'm pregnant. Hmm?"

"Okay!!!" I roll my eyes.

"Good. So, Next is the appetizer right?"

"Jèsu(Jesus in Yoruba language). Somebody will eat the world today. I'm coming"

I served the food to her.

She finished it within few minutes.

"Tasty. I forgot you cook very well" she laughs. "Okay, let me stop. But hmm, this is so delicious"

I sat down, watching her eat.

"Thank you. Main dish?"

I served the food to her.

Again, she finished it within few minutes.


"Do you like ice cream? Or what would you like?"

"Fruit Salad?" She demanded.

"Just paw paws and oranges. Uh. .... I guess there are only three bananas left"

"No worries. They're fruits after all"

"We haven't spent up to a day together and you're eating like this. You'll finish my money" I cried.

She shrugs, laughing at my behavior. "What are sisters for? Don't worry, I'll stay with aunt Folake so that I won't finish your money, okay?"

I grin widely. "You know I love you. By the way, pregnancy is weird. I can't imagine eating the way you do"

"You'll get there soon darling. Kindly get me some fruits".

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