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"Yewande,what's wrong with you?" Mom demanded holding my hands affectionately.

I smile faintly."Nothing much. I'm just stressed and a little tired"

She held her belly."Look, I'm your mother. See this belle?(see this tummy?) I carried you there for nine months. So there's no lie  in this world that will make me believe there is nothing wrong with you"

I huffed and fell into mom's arms like a crushed baby. I started crying again.

"You're crying?" She asked with an American accent. I giggled.

"Mom......" I laughed with tears flowing from my eyes.

"Don't you wanna talk about it? I'm all ears girl"

"I seriously can't believe you have this accent. How come you never used it?"

"Forget that for now" she smiles . "Tell me what's going on and I'll tell you how I suddenly got my oyinbò(white man)accent"

I nodded and poured out everything  to her. She didn't ask any questions, she paid rapt attention to my story.

"That's it mom." I said with disgust.

She heaved a sigh. "Hmm. This is interesting. How come you never told me about your feelings for Anthony? You felt I'd tease and disturb you to get married, abi?(right?)"

She's right . Afterall moms usually know everything. I feel bad  for not telling her.

"Yes mom. I'm sorry"

She drew me closer into her arms "no matter how big you grow, you'll forever be my baby. I noticed all these for sometime now especially the time of Tunmise's wedding. But I decided to keep shut and watch you. Do you want to know reason I introduced Tony to you?"

I fixed her with a stare. "Why?"

"To show you that men are not to be trusted. I know you do not have interest in  relationships, men and all. At first I told Mrs Adeleye about it and she agreed to assist me. You know the funniest thing?"


"Anthony gave the idea"


She nodded. "Now you know. So you shouldn't feel hurt"

"But mom. ..... I.... I. ...." I stammered.

She smirked "you what?"

"I'm in love with him" I professed
She laughed. Hard.

"Good luck to you. I think.."

"What's wrong?" I ask curiously.

She yawned. "Never mind dear. It's late and I'm feeling sleepy"

I arched an eyebrow "abi you don't want to tell me?"

"I will. At the right time"

"Okay mom. Thanks. What would I do without you?"

She grinned widely and hugged me. "I love you darling. Next time, don't hesitate to tell me about anything except you're married"

I smiled "I love you more. Even when I'm married, I will. Goodnight mom"

She pecked my cheeks. "Sweet dreams"

I head to my room, lay down tiredly on the bed and fall asleep. 

It's a good thing to have someone you can always lean on, irrespective of the circumstance.

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