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"Help!" I screamed at the top of my voice. No one can hear me but I have no choice. Some unknown men kidnapped me a few hours ago. I'm helpless, only God can save me right now.

Without thinking twice, I texted Tony. One of the men caught me and hijacked my phone. Then, he pushed me roughly to the ground.

I can hear the footsteps of a woman's stilettos. Her face is covered with a mask; I wonder who she is. The men removed their mask one after the other.

The lady unmasked her face. My face fell, it's Chloe!

I can't believe my eyes.

"You cheap slut!" She tightens her grip on my neck leaving me to choke. I can't remove her hands, my hands and legs are tied to a chair. My mouth is taped.

"You've made my life miserable, haven't you? Still you aren't satisfied. You made Nifemi go to jail. Now it's my fucking fiancè! You have to pay for your deeds with your life. I just can't help the hatred I have for you Edna. I hate you with every cell in me. Now you'll die a painful death that even God won't save you. I want to make you suffer, see you wallow in pains and agony. Yes Edna. Anthony was lucky he didn't die in the pool that evening, shit!. All I want to see right now is you begging at my feet for mercy. You're destined to be doomed by me dear best friend!"

"Hahaha! Haha! The laugh of mockery Edna!"

I froze still unable to understand what she just said. Uncontrollable tears that threatened to fall couldn't hold itself anymore. That means she actually did want me and Tony dead that evening. I still can't believe it. I clenched my fists, with anger. It's painful that I once called Chloe Martins and Nifemi Ayodele "friends". They're demons the devils sent to destroy me but I was too naive and oblivious of that fact.

But why?

She got up and eyed me with hatred. Walking to a small fire, she took an iron rod, placed it in the fire and grinned wickedly at me. My face begged her, shaking my head. She hissed, approached me and began to hit me with the hot iron rod.

"Ch.....Cho. ..." I managed closing my eyes as she rubbed it on my feets, breasts, arms and face. I squealed. The pain is unbearable. Hot sweat ran down my body.

"Sweet revenge!" She mocked. "Please remove the tape from her mouth. I want to hear her beg for her life"

One of the men dragged the tape from my mouth forcefully. I winced in pain.

She hit my face thrice. "Remember? How you hit and disgraced me at the mall? Did you really think I'll let you go freely?"

"Please Chloe. ... I'm sorry. ..."

I'm weak and distressed, I can't even speak any longer.


"I'm sure the boys are hungry?" She asked the men seductively.

"Yes boss. We all need some p***y" one of them replied.

She drew closer to me. "Can you hear that?"
"Don't worry boys, she's all yours. I mean, she'll satisfy each and everyone of you. But first, I want to teach her a big lesson"

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