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This chapter is kinda long because the Ajayi's are having a reunion. I hope you enjoy. Please kindly drop your opinions,critics, comments or suggestions in the comment box; they're highly appreciated. Love ❤❤

Two days to Tunmise's wedding,

Yay! I'm very excited and glad! Finally all anticipations will come to an end.

Guess what?

Tunmise's wedding is a day after tomorrow, that's Saturday.

All preparations have been made. I'll be doing Laura's makeup and other bridal stuff. Her family and mine had gotten along pretty well.

I learnt her dad was a prefect in my mom's secondary school. See how life works? Very funny indeed.

My other elder brothers, Tokunbo and Dare are visiting my parents with their families, that means I have to be present. We're having a family reunion before the wedding.

*2 hours later, at my parent's*

The children raced to hug me. They are ecstatic to see me so am I . I hugged the six of them at a time.

"I've missed you so much aunt Yewande" Olabisi, Tokunbo's eldest daughter said with a broad smile on her beautiful face.

"Me too aunt" the remaining chorused.
I feel like an aunt indeed.

"I missed you all kids. It's nice seeing you here again. I bought chocolates and candies for you. I'm sure you all  love them right? "

They dashed to my car and struggled for the box of chocolates.

I chuckle and walk into the house.

Everyone is discussing and laughing.

On noticing my presence, they smiled one after the other.

"Our family is finally complete, look who is here" Mom gave a satisfactory smile.

I knelt down and greeted my parents, grandparents and relatives.

I hugged Dare, my eldest brother. "I've missed you"

He hugs me affectionately. "Same here my baby. You're looking good"

I tapped him lightly, before laughing in unison.

"I've missed you more Tokunbo" We hugged briefly, not until he pulled away from me.

"You're getting prettier everyday. See how breathtaking you look" he scrutinized my face.

"You see" Dare laughed.

"Yes. Her Bobo(boyfriend) is feeding her well" Yemisi added.

Everyone laughed. I did as well.

"You all should stop teasing me. I'm shy" I chuckle and strode away before they tease the hell out of me.

I walk up to where aunt Ayo and Pamela, my sisters in-laws sat.

Aunt Ayo is Tokunbo's wife while aunt Pamela is Dare's wife. They were having a chitchat.

"Good afternoon aunt Pamela and aunt Ayo. I've missed you both" I greeted with a smile.

They smiled back at me.

"How are you dear? I dropped at your spa yesterday to say hello but you weren't around" said Aunt Pamela.

"I'm sorry dear. I took a leave for some time to rest"

"It's okay"

I smiled thankfully.

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