Window Filled With Opportunites

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After days of an affair gone by Alice finds herself loving the lie she's living. She has been engaging in an affair with an old high fling. No he wasn't just an old high school fling. He was the love of her life and she was living the dream. She knows that she's committed a sin. Also that he's married. FP Jones was the love of her life and she doesn't want to let him go.

On a Friday night, She texts FP to meet her at their spot. FP slowly sneaks out of his room and tiptoes past his sleeping son on the old broken down couch. As he tries to open the front door when it lets a huge squeak.

"Dad?" He hears his son mutter from the couch. He backs away from the door and hopes his son will just drift off to sleep. "Where you going?" He knows his son suspicious.

"Uh... I forgot my phone at Pop's. I'll be back. Go back to sleep, Son. You have school tomorrow."

His son mumbles," Okay. See you in the morning." He can hear his son's suspicion creeping in.

After he hears his son snoring, he takes the opportunity to sneak past his son and closes the door behind him. He sneaks around the corner and quickly gets into his truck and starts his engine.

When he arrives at the Cooper Satan house. He didn't bother by knocking. That would only get them caught. He walks around the backyard and jumps the wooden gate. Unfortunately he miscalculated the jump and got his shorts stuck in the back gate. Now he's stuck. He can't believe he missed the height and he's stuck. He can't get caught.

Then he heard the back door open. Shit shit. He needs a back up plan. He starts wiggling his body and gets one short leg unstuck. He hears a voice calling out. "Hello? Anyone here?" He instantly recognizes the voice and alarms goes off in his head.

He keeps wiggling until his whole body out of the gate and hid behind the bush. He opens the branch away and sees Betty. He can tell he's confused and hopes she doesn't figure out where he's hiding.

Betty turns around and heads back inside. He sighs in relief and climbs the nearby tree. He tries to remember what window was Alice's. He sees three white trimmed windows on the right side and assumes that the middle window was Alice's.

His feet slipped when he tried to climb the four branch which was a little higher than the third branch. He feels the slippery wet substance slide against his studded combat boots. His heels dig into the branches's grooves.

Now he's standing on the ledge and holding his arms out for balance. He sees a light flicker on and ducks down as a window was lifted. He can hear murmurs from a teen girl and mouths shit while he keeps his feet from sliding off the edge.

"Okay seriously?! Polly, do you hear anything outside?" He hears Betty ask her older sister.

"No, Betty go back to bed. If you keep coming into my room, you're going to wake Juniper and Dagwood." Polly whisper yells as she scolds her little sister.

"I'm serious Pol. Don't you hear the sound of squeaky shoes?" He can hear the window slam shut and sighs again as he quickly tiptoed away from Alice's oldest daughter's window and over to the third and last window.

He's tired and soaking wet. He was supposed to meet Alice by her window a long time ago and now is cursing himself for being late.

He sees the third window open and Alice appears. He can't help but smile as Alice helps him through her window. Just like when he would sneak into her bedroom when they were teenagers.

"What took you so long? I've been waiting for over an hour." Alice complains as she grabs him a towel off the shelf and hands him the towel.

He takes the towel with welcoming hands and dries himself off and takes his sopping wet boots off and sets them down by the window sil to dry in the morning.

"I got stuck on your damn gate and then Betty came outside and—" He was caught off her harsh voice.

Alice's eyes widened and her hands instantly go over her mouth and her heart starts racing. "What?! FP! That's not cool! If she saw you I'll—"

"She didn't. I got myself free and hid in the bush until she went back inside the house."

"Oh thank goodness. You're lucky this time, Jonesey." Alice states as she picks his boots off the carpet and puts them in her shoe warmer.

She come backs with freshly dried combat boots and he smiles brightly at her. He wrapped his arms around her and starts nibbling at her ear. She fights her giggles and stays quiet. "Come on, Al. How about we ditch this place and go clubbing?" He playfully subjects as his teeth nibble at her earlobe.

As much as she wants to take him up on his offer. She knows the risks and wants to keep their secret save from other eyes.

She sits them down on her fancy bed and turns to face him with soft eyes and sighed," That would be fun—"

"I can sense the but here." His tone sounds with disappointment and he tries not look like he's hurt.

"No no, it's just that we can't have people finding out. And if they do they'll tell Betty and Jug and they will be mad at us. And I love doing this and all. But we can't risk getting caught. Also you're still married, FP." She says as she slips into her night grown.

He knows that he's married and that they shouldn't be doing this. But it's hard to stop what you want. "I know." He sighs.

She licks her lips and lays on the bed. "We could have our fun here. But I'll be quiet." She stated as she unhooks her bra and throws it across the room.

His eyes wander her goddess body and he can't resist himself. He slowly backs her head into the mattress and places her hands flat as his tongue dances down her abdomen. Her eyes stare down at his matching serpent tattoo and she can't resist either.

"Let's take on the night shall we?"

She nods her head and lets him service her nightly duty. "We shall." She giggles out as she feels him entertain her with his touch.

Damn she's going to hell but she doesn't care. He doesn't care and soon will be joining her in hell. And they say bring on the hell forces.

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