Veterans's Day

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Veterans's day was usually honored by many. FP came home from his second tour after leaving in 2019. Jughead, Jellybean, Betty, little Jenna helped Alice make a "welcome home" cake.

Alice couldn't wait for her husband to come home from Iran. A war broke out 2019 and continued to brew for four years. Now that FP was coming home, she was overjoyed. He had been gone for four years. Jenna was four years old. She gave birth to Jenna while he was on his tour, Naturally, he still got to see their baby born over video chat.

Since then, the kids spent most of their time getting the house ready. Jughead was now in his early twenties. He had proposed to Betty and told his father. He was the first person he told. Also his father told him that he was recruited for four years to fight the war in Iran. He was worried for his father. FP wasn't really in his life during his drinking days. He had been told by his father that his dad used to hit him. He said he would never get hit his son. Jughead knew that his father meant what he said.

2023 finally rolled around. Everyone was overjoyed by the news and it was Veterans Day. He was coming home. Jenna was four now and she hadn't met her father in real life. She didn't really understand why her daddy wasn't home. She's seen pictures, heard his voice but never saw him in real life. She was in preschool and she hoped her daddy would come home. Alice missed him so much. She hadn't seen him since he was deployed. It had been so long since she touched his face, kissed his lips and now she finally see him. He was coming home.
It had been four long, backbreaking years, since he'd seen his kids or his amazing wife, Alice. He's missed her so much. He hated waking up on that cot every damn day for four exhausting years. Now that he was heading home, he couldn't wait to meet his little girl.

Him and Alice convinced their little girl a month before he was recruited to war. He was able to see her born on a windy dusty day in September. Her little arms and awe her little eyes. Just thinking about getting on a plane and being able to go home and alive. He's lost many army mates while in service. Today he was honoring the ones who served and died for America's safety.
"Daddy!" He heard as he opens that door. The door that he hadn't walked through in almost five whole years.

He got down on his knees and dropped his bag next him. There she was. She was so pretty. He couldn't believe she's four years old. She looks just like he pictured for the last four years.

"B-baby girl!" He cried as his little girl ran into his arms. He missed everything while he was gone.

Jughead couldn't believe who he saw. He wasn't dreaming. Was he? He didn't know. It seemed to real to be true. "D-dad?" He swallows air as his dad turns around.

FP's eyes gloss with tears as his son runs into his arms. "I know. It's been too long. God you've gotten big and become such a grown man." His voice cracked as he embraced his son.

His daughter, Jellybean couldn't stop crying as she was hugging him. It felt like a dream. She didn't know what to feel. He was back! She couldn't believe it was finally happening.

Alice entered into the room and ran into him. She loved the feeling as he spun her around and kissed her like the time hadn't passed by. She couldn't believe he was back. He was back for real this time and he wasn't leaving ever again. She couldn't believe this was really happening. She had dreamed of this day for years. Now it was finally coming true.

"I missed you so much, Jonesy." She finally spoke as she cupped his cheeks. His actual cheeks. It wasn't her imagination. He was actually here, in front of her, holding her and kissing her.

"I'm happy to be home, Al. I've never missed you more than I've have. Four years is a lot of time and I never want to leave you again." As tears rolled down their cheeks, the two stayed like that for quite some time.
For the rest of the day, FP watched all the home videos with his family, laughing, crying and more laughing. He had missed his family so much. Now that he was back he was never ever leaving again. He made it back alive, no broken bones or loss of limbs. He was walking, talking; others weren't so lucky.

A knock at his door, while the kids were watching made him get off the couch. He was confused.

"You made it!" He looked at his old friend and saw the redness in his eyes.

"Yes, Freddie. I promised I wouldn't leave you behind. I'm here for you bud. You're my best friend. I might love you more than Alice." Fred laughed at him and felt nervous. Alice would kick his ass for laughing at that comment.

"I better be!" Fred and FP heard from inside the house.

"Yes, Alice!" FP yelled before turning to Fred with a sly grin. "You." He whispered as they hugged.

"Glad you're home, F. It's been too long. I'm very happy you lived. I heard about Jack. He was a very old friend of ours. It must've been hard to watch."

He sighed" Yeah it was...."
He stopped at Pop's and Pop started fast walking toward him. He was surprised that he was still running. "FP, is that really you? Or am I seeing things?" FP started chuckling.

"No, no, It's me."

"I thought you got hurt at the mine. Tom told me that there were some deaths. I was worried it was you."

"No, it wasn't. It was Jack, Pop." The tone in his voice even scared his own self.

"Oh... that's so heartbreaking. Well, I'm glad you made it. It was a close call."

"Yeah, I'm glad to be home. It's been too long, Pop. I better go. Alice texted me for dinner." He nodded at FP and waved goodbye. This time he knew his friend was coming back.
"You're back." Alice announced as he walked through the door and hung up his jacket.

He smiled and kissed her forehead and sat down for dinner. It was his first home meal in almost five freaking years. He couldn't wait for that damn good ass cake. No more dried food.

"And I'm back for good." Everyone smiled at him. He missed this. Family. He missed his family and he has that back. 
In honor of our veterans I made this. I thought it would be good to write this. Happy veterans's day everyone. For all and everyone who served or is still serving. This my thanks for all you've done for us. Thank you for serving our country.

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