Full House

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It's been months since his mother moved in to help him taking care of his three kids. February became a dark time for FP. His wife was killed by a drunk driver; causing him to have to raise his three kids on his own. Shortly after his mom announced she couldn't stay any longer; Fred and Tom moved in to help FP.

Charles is the oldest, Jughead is the middle child, future writer, and the youngest is Jellybean. She is only six months old and FP's last child with Gladys.

"I'm not sharing my room with that brat!" Charles whined to his father about the fact he now had to share his room with a seven-year-old Jughead.

Charles was only a few years older than his youngest brother. His was the closest to his mother before she died. He didn't like that was having was changing. His mother only died six months ago.

FP looked over at his thirteen-year-old, giving him a look and sighed," Jughead can't stay in the room with Jellybean, Charlie. Uncle Tom is staying in Jughead's old room and Uncle Freddie is in the basement, so Charles you need to share a room with your brother."

"But—" FP's oldest's rant was cut short by the look the father gave his son.

"No,'but's' this discussion is already over." Charles huffed away from his father grumbling underneath his breath.

Fred smiled as he strung a note on his guitar. In FP's words he was a struggling artist. He kinda drove off into his music career singing about Elvis Presley, his hair was long and to his shoulders. He sat on his bed looking at the blue bunnies covering the wall of the room he was staying at. His sister passed away, and he sorta stopped caring about his life.

"Kids, the dinner is done!" He heard FP's goofy-ball college roommate call from the kitchen.

He came downstairs, helped getting Baby Jellybean into her high-chair. Jellybean giggles as Fred tries to feed her strained peas and spits them at his face.

"I guess... I don't blame ya, kid." Fred comments tasting them for himself with his finger.

After dinner, Tom's face contorted at the stench." Freddie..." Tom sighs," Fred looks over at him," I think she needs a diaper change." Fred shakes his head.

"I'm not doing it." Tom looks over at him and his eyes widened," You've never does this before, have you?"

Fred doesn't say anything," Well. We should probably attend to the duty." Tom jokes as he grabs a diaper from the diaper-bag.

The two men tried their best to wrap the baby with the paper towels and washing the baby's butt with a kitchen sink sprayer. Jughead laughed, shaking his head at Fred and Tom.

"Oooh you made a mess!" The little boy smirked before running through the swinging door.

FP sighed before taking a sip from his coffee mug. He worked on reading his script for Wakeup Riverdale. After his wife passed away, he had to take some time off and today was his first official day back.

"Jones, can you come here for a sec for we go on air?" He heard his boss call.

He set down the script, walked to other side of the set and smiled. His boss greeted him with a handshake.

"FP, this your co-host, Alice Smith." FP's eyes widened. She looked like a goddess with wavy hair.

"I'm getting a co-host. Bryan, I've been hosting Wakeup Riverdale without a co-host for years."

Bryan put one hand on FP's shoulder," FP, your ratings have gone down, and as the crew we've all decided to give you one to save the show."

Before FP could gather his thoughts, the director called air-time and that meant he had to get ready. He finished off his coffee and walked over to the table. He felt Alice's eyes on him and he shot a friendly smile. He wasn't too pleased to have to share his show. He was used to hosting all by himself.

"Hello, I'm FP Jones and you're watching Wakeup Riverdale." He greeted with his usual morning tone in his voice.

Beside him Alice waved at the camera," Hello everybody, I'm Wakeup's new co-host, Alice Smith and it's nice to meet you all."

The director called cut and Alice stood up from her stool, grabbing her coffee mug for a refill. She quickly found the snack table and set the mug down. She kept catching her new co-hosts shy stares.

She couldn't lie. He was pretty hot and— no, Alice. He's your co-host. You can't be with him, she scolded herself before sipping at her drink.

Ten minutes later, they were back on the air, Alice had to smile at the stupid lines. It was her first day and she already didn't like the lines she was given to say. She knew she was worth more than these silly morning skits.

She felt a tap on her shoulder, turning slightly to her left she saw FP. She turned around to face him and smiled.

"I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is FP Jones and I'm sorry for not doing that before. It was my first day back and I wasn't expecting to— Uh have a co-host." She found his rambles cute.

She chuckles softly," Oh, it's okay, I know it was a shock to me as well. Well it's nice to meet you FP." She paused to check her wristwatch. It was time for her to go. "Uh, I'm sorry I got to get going. I need to call my parents back in Nevada."

FP understood he had to get home to his kids." Oh, you better get going then." He joked before turning away.

"See you tomorrow, FP!" He heard as he gathered his stuff.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow, Alice."

Yes this is Full House, the first one. I did changed some things. FP is Danny tanner, he says three children: Charles, Jughead and Jellybean. I decided to make him have two boys and one girl instead of three girls. I didn't want to change FP's real storyline too much.

I haven't decided if I'm going to continue yet. Alice is single and has no kids. And yes I know Jessie gets Becky in the show but I decided to which it up. And yes I still love Jessie and Becky. Fred is the cool uncle and Charles isn't happy to share his room with Jughead just like in the first episode.

If you haven't watched Full house, you should check it out. It's one of my favorites. And I wasn't even born in the 90's. I hoped you liked it!

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