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— This was requested months ago. I don't remember who sent me the suggestion. I'm sorry if I don't give credit, but here's a thank you in advance for suggestion this oneshot! —

It was a normal day when FP's co-worker, Angela wanted him and their other co-workers to go over things for work. He told Alice that he'd be home late.

"Come on, just take one drink it will relax you." Todd laughed, extending out the bottle of vodka to FP.

FP shook his head, pushing the bottle out of his reach. "No, I'm good, Todd."

But Todd kept pressing." Man, just do it take the edge off."

The overwhelming sense of pure pressure started making its way to FP. He really didn't want to drink and hoped that Todd would get the hint already. He didn't want to air out his dirty secrets. His drinking in the past ruined a lot for him and he wasn't going to let that happen again.

Another man chimed in." What are you scared, Jones?" He joked, clearly amused by Todd's suggestion.

FP chuckled nervously. "I think I'm going to call it a night."

"What are some pussy?"

He clenched his jaw tightly. He turned toward Todd, who smirked smugly. He knew that riling FP up would work. "What did you just say?"

"You heard me." FP sized him up.

"Look, man I don't want to hit ya."

The drunk scoffed." Because you're a pussy."

It took everything in him to not beat the man to a plump. He knew Alice was waiting for him at home, his dinner is probably cold by now.

"Fuck you." FP sneered as his nostrils flared.

"I don't swing that way, pussy!"

FP grabbed the man forcefully by the collar of his shirt. His breathing began to rag and FP could feel the hot breath from Todd's breath ghosting hotly on his neck. "Neither do I, Buddy."

Angela noticed the tension and quickly tried to break between FP and Todd. "Guys, let's just forget it."

Todd laughed." This man can't even handle his liquor that's why his a pussy."

"Todd.." She warned.

"I'm just saying what the man is." Todd smirked," I bet his girlfriend would leave if he didn't sleep with her with his no-balls pussy."

FP raised his fist, clenching his jaw and curled his knuckles inward. Nobody talked about Alice that way. The next thing anybody knew was a fist knocked into the face. Angela ducked out of the way quickly, avoiding the collision.

"Finally the man grows some balls!" Todd laughed as the fist contacted his cheek.

The bar tender grabbed his phone as the other man hit FP back. "I've always had balls. I don't need to drink to prove you anything!"

He rolled his eyes as FP's retort entered his ears with the phone to his ear. "Idiot drunk." Muttered Hogeye.


Alice's phone rang as she was sitting in the living. She sighed when an unknown number that didn't look it had any familiarity showed up on her cellphone screen.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Ace, it's Hogeye you need to come to the Wrym. FP got himself into trouble." Before Alice could respond to the voice, she quickly heard the phone hang up.

She looked at her phone, dumbfounded. She couldn't even believe that FP would drink. She was furious. Alice grabbed her coat and stomped outside. Once in the car, She turned the key into the ignition and sped out of her driveway angrily.

Falice oneshots At Midnight Where stories live. Discover now