November News

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It was an early start to winter. Well, Fall basically took an early hiatus. Alice hadn't told FP that the night they hooked up he left her a little gift.

Years ago, Alice had convinced FP to go the Wyrm for a little fun and came back a few weeks later with nausea. It turned out that yet again He had gotten her pregnant.

Nearing a decade later, Polly finds out the truth. She wasn't in fact Hal's daughter. Edgar had told her that Hal and her had no connection.

She marched into the kitchen, frosted as hell by the triggering news. How could her Mom lie for so many years?

Alice saw her daughter marching into the kitchen, where she was prepping for tonight's dinner. With Hal dead in stone, Her and FP back together and Charles expected return. She had a lot to celebrate.

"Polly—" She was harshly cut off by Polly's face." Polly, what is going on?" She said cuddly setting down the knife.

Polly shook her head in disbelief," You lied to me. You lied to me that Hal was my father and I was his!"

Alice shook her head taken by the news. Polly just had gotten out of rehab a few weeks ago. Now she supposedly figured out the truth. In fact Hal wasn't her father. But how did she find out?

"Polly, I-I- what are you talking about? Of course, Hal was your father. Do you think I had an affair or something?" She lied through her teeth.

Everything was slowly falling in place. She had her life back together. Her daughter knowing this could implode everything she worked so hard to achieve. Betty and Jughead would be here soon and she couldn't have her ruin Thanksgiving.

"Edgar said before he died that he knew that Hal's DNA didn't match mine. So why wouldn't it if it were true?" She questioned her mother.

She noticed her mother was playing with the promise ring FP had given her when they got back together. She looked nervous, almost in a guilty way.

"Polly, I don't have time for this. Betty and Jughead are their way from Stonewall, FP is still at work and Charles is coming back soon with pie from the Bakery I asked him to pick up. So can we please discuss this later?"

"Fine, we can do this later." Polly huffed, started walking away. She stopped in tracks," But this is far from over, Mom."

After Polly was long gone. Alice sighed uneasily to herself. This is going to be a disaster. Polly is angry with her. Betty still doesn't trust her. And Alice knows that she's still angry with her lying about the Farm. Oh, and FP. This is going to break them.

She knew she should've told him the truth years ago. Now it was going to ruin them. She always feared he would find out. She had to tell him... before Betty, Jughead or Polly do.


Polly wasn't the one to let things slide so when she found out her true Paternity.... it caused her to rethink her life decisions. There was a part of her that was relieved she wasn't related to Hal. And the other part felt betrayed by the memories of Hal. She had some great ones.

But now she knew it was all a lie. Her life had been a facade. She didn't know who she was or even who she is.

It was time for the Thanksgiving dinner. Her mother leaned against FP, Betty had Jughead and well Charles he was alone. Polly also didn't have anyone.

Ever since Jason had passed away three years ago, she hadn't been able to move on. She thought she could find it in Edgar, but he lied. Just like her own mother had done to her.

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