Devil's Claw

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Spoilers for season 3! Also major spoilers for 3x9: "No Exit". (This has no falice but I love Fred and Archie's relationship and hinting at his past hehe) Enjoy!

A parent's worst nightmare... watching their child go through pain and suffering. A thought reaches their mind as they hold their phone, tightly with hope. Fred Andrews found out the worst news. No the most horrible news ever expressed.

His hands let his fingers hover over the answer key and stayed for just a second before retrieving. His throat felt dry and his heart paced a beat. He didn't know why but he just had a feeling. Was Archie on the other line? He hadn't heard from his son in weeks and he was slowly going mad inside his mind.

"Hello?" His voice echoed, he could hear beeping from the other side of the line and started to feel a gnawing knot in his stomach. For a split second a woman's voice broke through. "Is this Brandon Andrews's father?" The woman questioned, Fred fights back his bile and slowly cleared his throat.

Fred knew that was the name he told him to use. Something wasn't right. "Yes, this is." He answers shallowly as he scoops up a pen and paper.

His hands vibrated against the notebook page. He wrote down the coordinates with a gut wrenching punch to his stomach. The lady on the phone sounded worried and that only made his fears rise higher. "I'm afraid that your son..." He could hear more beeping and started to freak. "M-my son what's wrong with him? Hello?!" He heard silence on the other end.

He snatched up his jacket and threw it over his shoulders. "Your son has been attacked by a brown grizzly bear. His wounds are deep and we need you to make a trip to the Canadian hospital." His heart plummeted to the floor.


Thirteen hours of agony later, he finally arrives at the local Canadian hospital that woman told him to go to. He parks his truck at the far end of the parking lot. Fear ate him alive as he sprinted toward the nurse's desk. Archie was his son, pride and joy. He loved him from than anything. He's aware that his son's strong but the father in him still worried. His son braved a serial killer, who later they find out was Hal Cooper. His son also made mistakes. That music teacher, tagging the Southside and joining the man who made his life hell.

All the hate is the world was to Hiram Lodge. That man wrecked everything he touches with evil pleasure. Lodge ruined his innocent son and now he was going to pay for his sinful behavior. Fred would make sure of it.

The nurse made him sign his name on the documents before he could rush toward his son's hospital room. His legs felt like jello as he reached for the door handle. When he opened the door, he found his son lying in the ghost-pale hospital bed. His eyes hovered over his blood-line and tears threatened to burn their way through. His son's chest was clawed. He slowly rested his forehead to his son's cold, but still warm forehead.

He gently reached for his hand," Arch..." He paused as a small tear rolled down his cheek before he wiped it away with one swift hand. His other hand held on for dear life to his son's hand. He swallows the bile," ... Arch... why?" He swallows harshly again. "Y-you promised me... this wasn't goodbye, s-son." His throat stared filling the empty gaps with his salty tears.

His heart pounded as agonizing sobs erupted from the man's throat. His son was a sleep, he kept telling himself. Or he was dreaming, not this be begged to wake up. A father's worst nightmare. And he was living it as he breathed and his son wasn't. How fair is that? To him, it wasn't fair. It was a curse.

He stepped away from his son as the doctors began working on him. The door closed behind him and he just broke down sobbing into his hands on his knees begging for a different outcome. He dialed the only person he knew could help him. He knew that they might not talk anymore but he needed someone.

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