I'll Be Dammed If I let That Happen To you

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It was a normal day until Betty comes rushing through the door with red-bloodshot eyes and tear stains on her cheeks. She quickly finds out that Betty's article got her black-lashed. She pulled her into her arms and comforted her until she stopped crying and then she pulls away.

"Mom, where are you going?" Her youngest asked as she put on her coat.

"I'll be damned if I let that happen to you, Elizabeth!" She said shortly before kissing her daughter's cheek.

She marched out the door and storms over to Riverdale high. She doesn't even stop to catch the stares and looks she got as she threw open the door to Waldo Weatherbee's office.

"M-" She cut him off straight away. "Is this how you run your school, Waldo? My daughter came home crying because of the rumors she's a Southside Slut!"

He held his hands up to calm her," Mrs. Cooper, I promise we are trying to find the vandals. Please under-" He was cut off again by inner Alice Smith.

"Understand?! No, I will not! My daughter is in tears over this, my other daughter refuses to come back over the score book those mud dogs had on her! You and this school have failed as a Community. I won't have my daughters deal with this utter bullshit."

"Mrs. Cooper, Language!" He hushed her.

"Oh, I'm sorry did my swearing affect how you run things around here, I'll just take my money else where and you know my husband and I are one of your highest endorsements." She threatens as her eyes grew with fiery.

Waldo shakes his head with fear in his eyes," Please, Mrs. Cooper.... we can't lose your founding. Please consider." He sounds like he's pleading.

"Then you do as I say and find the vandals that broke my daughter's heart. She's in tears over this foolish act. And it's your responsibility to look after the students safety. I know for a fact you did nothing when Jughead Jones was shoved into lockers, I won't hesitate to go to the school board with this information."

"They won't listen to you." Weatherbee scoffed cockily.

Alice laughs from astonishment," You don't think? Well, as a matter of a fact I have the Dean on my speed dial. He owed the Register a favor after we helped him get a good deal in our paper. As you see, I have many unknown resources I can leak. Like I don't know... how about that you allowed your students to have a score book or the fact way back in the day, you got FP Jones kicked off the football team because you spread the rumor he trashed their office... when in fact it was you and Marty who did." She added with a knowing look.

"See I'm friends with the school board's superintendent, Waldo. I would watch your back if I were you."

"And you are blackmailing me with nonsense and Alice, that happened years ago. It's not even relevant to today's age anymore."

"Oh, really not relevant enough?" She sees him smile.

She grabbed a piece of paper," so this isn't extenuating enough?" Waldo's eyes grew wider. What laid in front of him was Crimination evidence that could get him removed from his office. "Where did you get that?"

Alice smirks." I've got my ways." She steps closer placing her palms flat on the desk. "So do we have a deal or not?"


"Jones, the paper's out!"

FP looked up from his bunk and reached through the open slit. He pulled open the paper and grinned widely at what displayed in front of his eyes.

"Wow, Smith is back." He whistled to himself as the grin didn't fade from his features.

It only had a few days since he was arrested. His son was still trying to prove his innocence. Apparently the paper Alice Cooper's daughter wrote got her some deep unwanted hatred. He appreciated her effort. Nobody was going to believe a Southside Serpent was not guilty.

He read the newspaper that was in his hands and smiles. What was in there was the truth that was set free.

Waldo Weatherbee Resigned

He decided to resign as Riverdale High's principle and has come clean to his crimes. He admitted to Riverdale Register and the school board of his activities. Instead of using the money for the school he embezzled thousands from the school's funds.

Waldo Weatherbee will be imprisoned and the state will issue a new Principal next week during the city hall meeting.

Until further notice school is closed for the remainder of the week and classes will be presumed on Monday next week.

- Riverdale register.

"Go, Alice!" He hollered.

"Miss me?" He hears a familiar voice.

He looks up from the paper and grins again. Alice stood by the door way, her purse hanging from her wrist.

"Hell, yes! I can't believe he was embezzling money from my son's school. He cut the music program last week after Ms. Grundy took off." Alice chuckles.

"She didn't take off, she was asked to leave." FP wrinkles his eyebrow.


"She's a child Predator." Alice spat as she started to feel nauseated and anger flows through her blood.

FP's stomach twists with horror. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. His son was at school with that teacher.

"What? Oh god, I'm glad she's gone. I wish she was in prison." She nodded her head.

"Me too but Andrews didn't want her to get in trouble."

"Fred?" He questions.

Alice notices his misunderstanding." Nope Archibald Andrews has a flame with that Predator."

"Red?" She nods again," Wow... poor Red. He didn't see it coming."

"I know you didn't kill him, FP. I'll get the judge to release you." He shakes his head furiously at her.

"No, you will not bribe the judge, Alice. What I did to the boy, I deserve the consequences."

Alice's eyes start to tear up." FP, you don't deserve it though. You're a good man, who just made a mistake."

FP wishes her could grab her hand but he couldn't. The stupid bars wouldn't let him. Alice's piercing eyes broke his heart. "Leave it be, Alice. Please just leave it be. I appreciate you exposing Weatherbee about that trashing the school board's office but this isn't something you can fix."

"Don't you get it, FP! I'll be dammed if I let that happen to you! You don't deserve this. You're many things but you're not a killer. I can't have you taking  the fall for Blossom."

"He's dead, Alice! There's nothing that can help me!" He argued.

She starts to cry and slowly shakes her head." Fine, I'll leave it alone but don't dare try to tell me to stop trying to help you. I won't bribe or entrap anyone. But I won't stand for this!" She snapped, slamming the door behind her.


I wanted Alice to have a better talk with Betty in 1x13. I didn't like how the writers made her bark down Betty's throat about Betty taking Polly to school with her. I also wanted Alice to take down Weatherbee. I made this up. So far it doesn't seem like he did anything illegal besides joining a cult.

I hope you enjoyed it! More oneshots are coming your way. After work I'll be official on winter break. I will be busy with weekend and my mom is on me about getting the house ready for Christmas we are having tomorrow with my family.

Good luck! And have a great holiday break all of you!

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