In Treatment (4x8) - Jagged (2)

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Warning it has spoliers for season 4! Also read: Jagged first before reading this. It will make more sense if you do.

For the people who wanted part 2 of Jagged here you go... it's set in the current season after FP's attempt years ago. Jughead had suggested to go see Ms Burble and brings FP along.


Jughead suggested that He should go with him to see Ms. Burble. He didn't really want to hash out old burdens he hadn't even told Alice or his son the whole story on what happened to him.

"Come on, Dad, She's waiting for us..." He heard his son call.

He shook his head silently as he pushed open the door to the counselor's office with Jughead walk up ahead. The room he walked into was small, but felt roomy from the looks of it. "Dad, this is Ms. Burble. She's the one who suggested that you and I have a talk."

"Jug, we don't need therapy." He said shaking his head at his son.

"Betty, Cheryl, Reggie, Archie and Veronica said it helped them. And I know that you have been hiding your pain away inside for my sake. It's time to think for yourself." His son encouraged.

Ms. Burble smiled softly at them before offering him a piece of candy from the bowl. FP cautiously took a piece while his son took a handful from the bowl.

"I can't speak on behalf of my other clients, Mr. Jones, but I would like to believe I've helped them with my resources." FP nimbly played with the loose string form his sweater.

He wasn't the most patient guy. Ms. Burble noticed this and knew that this man had some deep issues.

"You grew up on the Southside, Mr. Jones." He gave a nod. "Your son talks very highly of you. He told me about your struggles with alcoholism..."

FP's stomach was in knots. He was so nervous and he hated talking about his past. "Yeah... I'm in AA." He answered shortly before returning his attention to the string.

"So, I've heard." She looks over at his son and Jughead notices how his dad's hand was clenched tightly.

"Dad, it's okay... you can tell me... this is a safe place. She's only trying to get to the root of the problem." FP finds himself looking over at his son.

He takes a deep breath." My dad was an alcoholic... he... I guess passed down the torch to me..." He confessed quietly, staring at the candy bowl.

"Did your father ever show anger?"

FP chuckled low and darkly to the woman sitting on the other couch." Yeah, he did. He always was screaming and had a bottle tied to his hand."

He became the meanest person FP ever known. He took his anger out of on him when he was too little to understand what he did wrong to deserve it all.

He felt the burning sensation start to cave through his orbitals. He shook head, trembling under the memory. He tried so hard to forget what the man did to him. He wished he could forget.

"H-He took all his anger on me and my mom growing up." He could feel his son's eyes boring into him as he spoke. He cleared his throat and took a deep calculated breath before continuing." I remember just being Four-years-old seeing my mom and my old man in a screaming match. I was so clueless and oblivious to what was really going on.

I snuck around the corner to see my father slap my mother across the face and then shoved her against the wall with his... hands wrapped around her neck. I remember the sheer fear in her eyes... she must've noticed I was there. She had these eyes... that still haunt me to this day. Unfortunately to my luck... my old man had noticed me and started screaming at me. He charged after me... I tried to leave the trailer but he caught me by my leg and he..." He trialed off as he felt his throat closing up.

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