The One With Fred's wedding Pt. 2

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When the morning rose, a door swung wide open. FP shot up and meets Fred's eyes. Fred was jumping up like a fangirl and smiling like a giddy teenager.

"I'm getting married! Today is my wedding!" He cheered before shutting the hotel door again.

His head dropped to the pillow and he let out a huge sigh of relief. If only Fred knew what happened last night? Would he kill him? There was no answer to that, only the unknown. He crossed his arms behind his head, chest rising high as he looked to his right.

"Did he notice I was here?" The person on his right gasped as she pulled the comforter off her face.

He already felt like he was going to hell and matters only got worse when he knew that Fred would kill him. He was hooking up, sleeping with a person so dearly close to his heart. This wasn't supposed to be happen. He was so drunk last night and now he has to deal with aftermath.

He shook head at her and sighed," No, Alice, He didn't know." Now he feels like a horrible best friend. He slept with his little sister.

"Good." She muttered as she stared at the ceiling without looking at his face. She started shuffling around and sticking her legs out." I better get ready. It's my brother's wedding day." She said awkwardly as she slipped out of the bed.

FP nodded his head and looked away so she could dress herself. After she was dressed, he turned back around and smiled slightly. She smiled back and left the room. He laid back in bed, thinking to himself. What was he going to do? He can't continue this act. It's wrong but it was also so right. Oh god.... hell he comes.
Her first thought was what was she doing? He's getting married and he's happy. She was acting foolish. She should've just stayed with Penny. Oh god, Penny! She left her alone. What kind of friend does that?! She was such a bad friend.

She opened her hotel door that morning. She decided that she was hungry and needed something to eat. She walked down the hall, turns a left and heads over to the food bar. She wasn't sure what they called it in Paris. As she was turning to get her food. She bumped into someone.

"Hermione!"Alice, Tom and FP all shouted." What are you doing here?" She saw the shock on their faces.

She waved at them," Hey! Yes I know I'm in Paris!" She fake cheered at them. Alice rolled her eyes. She knew why she here.

"Mione... he's getting married in two hours. It's too late. I'm sorry." She said softly as she pulled Hermione into her arms.

Hermione nodded her head and sighed," I know, I know. I'm just here to see my friend get married now. I decided that I wasn't going to tell him." FP felt bad for Hermione. He knew what it was like to want someone you shouldn't. When he went for Sierra's sister, who Tom was dating at the time. He regretted it and had to spend time in a box to prove off sorry he was.

Her sister had him stayed together for a little before she cheated on him with Hiram. He accused her of cheating and then she actually did later on. They broke up and he's been miserable without anyone to love him.

Alice wanted to do FP Jones again. Last night was so good and she couldn't wait to do it again. After Hermione and Tom Keller left the room. It left FP and Alice all by their selves.

"So..." FP started saying as he eyed the wine cellar room. She got the hint." I—" He was caught off by Fred.

"Hey! I need your help!" Fred called for him and FP sighed in defeat.

"I'll be right there, Freddie." He told Fred before He took off. And then he looked over at Alice and sighed." I promise it will be quick."
It wasn't. By time FP returned, it was time for the wedding. Fred stood in front of the mirror ready to walk to the alter. He was nervous but also he couldn't wait. FP watched in amazement as he joined arms with Alice. She looked amazing, hot and sexy. He really wanted her, right now. But he can't do that. Fred's his best friend. He can't betray the bro code. That also includes mothers, and sisters too. He was in very deeply with snakes called forbidden territory.

Alice joined arms with his. With a smile, Alice looked around the room." We have twenty-four-hour deal until we go back to Riverdale."

FP's lips quirked into a smirk, " Meet me in the suite after the ceremony." He states and Alice tries her hardest to hide her smile.

Hermione sits in a chair with all the other wedding guests. She felt good about watching him, even though it meant he was gone forever. She can live with that, can she? Yeah she can. Even if she has to spend the rest of her life miserable. It was worth seeing him happy. That's what she kept telling herself as Erica came down the aisle. She looked gorgeous and everything that she wasn't.

Fred looked at his future wife and smiled as they stood there. He saw Hermione in the background. Tom and Sierra were walking down when he gets a call. It's Penny. He answers despite the look on Fred's face.

"Pen... I can't talk."

"I know. It's just that Hermione wants to stop the wedding."

Tom stopped her and rolled his eyes," Not anymore and Fred looks very upset. I better go, Okay?"

"No." She protested." Please just turn it into FaceTime, please Tommy." Tom rolled his eyes again as he stood by Fred. Archie even looked confused by what was going on. Jughead was right next to Archie who the same look.

Betty, Veronica and Cheryl all had the same look but ignored the interference. Alice stood by the other bridesmaids. Fred smiled at Erica and Erica smiled back. They looked so happy. The pastor started with the normal wedding words and forever hold your peace. It killed Hermione to not stand up or do anything. She just stood there.

" Fred, do you take thee Erica to be your  wedded, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?"

Fred smiles" I thee Fred take thee Hermione." Everyone gasped in the room. As soon as Fred realized his mistake." Hermione. I mean Erica." He stumbles up on and feels his face get hot.

Penny gasps through the phone, Alice and FP looked at one another in shock. All this was far from going good. Erica stares at him with hurt in her eyes. She couldn't believe he just did that. Hermione gasped. He said her name. Did her really say her name? Oh no. This was not good.

"Erica." She just stares at him. The pastor says," should I continue?" Nobody has the answer.

Au—Part 3 will be starting soon. I love friends so I really enjoyed writing this one for you guys. In the future I'm thinking about more Friends too.

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