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Singto approached the table followed closely by Tae and Tee while Krist stayed in the doorway of the room. Looking at them with a worried expression on his face.

"It's identical to the one left in our dormitory...", he thought as he looked at the clock that appeared on one of the handles, "but ... why is it open?"

- "Let me work!" - Tee exclaimed as he crouched in front of the briefcase where his equipment was and began to dig through everything he had brought with him.

"And to think that if it were not for Krist, it would not have occurred to us to check this place ..."

Meanwhile, Singto  carefully observed the box that, like the one from his rooms, was empty except for a small black card that had several sentences written in white.

A couple of seconds later Tee had approached it and, with great care, began to sprinkle the box and the card with the fingerprint powder.

"Let's hope for good news..."

Immediately, they were able to observe several traces that, with great care, were collected and stored for further analysis.

- "It seems that there is nothing else ..." - mused the young scientist while leaving the package and beginning to check the table.

When finally Tee went away after giving his approval, Singto approached it and picked up the little card which, on its back, appeared written:

Icon S510A

The hand of justice reaches everyone

12 left

Singto frowned, as did everyone in the room.

They looked at each other without understanding the message that appeared engraved on the piece of paper. All except one person who, carefully, took a small gadget out of his pants pocket and watched it while thinking what all this might mean.

 All except one person who, carefully, took a small gadget out of his pants pocket and watched it while thinking what all this might mean

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.


Krist and Singto watched Tae wander around the common room without daring to intervene as the young man, since his arrival, had not stopped muttering about his bosses.

- "If they are so obsessed with getting fast results they could do the job themselves!" - He exclaimed suddenly as he stopped and looked at his cousin and Krist with a look full of discontent.

Singto sighed as he motioned for the young man to sit in one of the empty chairs.

- "It is normal for them to be worried. It has been proven that the student's death was not an accident but a murder" - he said to his cousin while the latter, with a frown on his face, dropped down on the soft cushion of the nearest chair.

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