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Phana watched the young woman who, smiling, was going into the boat while being helped by Matt.

"I'm sure I've seen her before ... but where?"

- "Hi handsome, do you want company?"

Phana, surprised, looked up to fix his gaze on the face of a person that was standing near his table and who, at that moment, was smiling at him from behind sunglasses.

- "It's not funny, Tae" - muttered the young man finally.

After which he took the cup of coffee that was in front of him and brought it towards his lips.

- "Come on ... you know it is" - Tae replied as he tried not to laugh.

The young inspector, who had approached Phana while he was staring at the boarding area of the boat, sat in one of the empty chairs while letting out a slight tired growl.

- "Anything new?"

Phana sighed and, with a gesture he hoped nobody noticed, handed Tae his own cell phone . All of that, under the table ...

- "He has boarded the boat with a girl. I have several photographs."

Tae nodded and quickly began to unblock Phana's cell phone.

- "I see you have not changed the password" - he muttered a second later while looking up from the small screen - "maybe it's time to do it. You can't go on like this ..."

Phana sighed.

After all, what Tae was saying to him, he had told himself once and a thousand times but

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

After all, what Tae was saying to him, he had told himself once and a thousand times but ... even though he knew it didn't make sense to continue bent on something that wasn't going to happen ... despite Knowing that he had to forget it and move on ... he couldn't do it.

At least not for now ...

Specially when everything in his life revolved around Arthit ... since the same moment in which he saw the boy for the first time, it has been like that and... and he wasn't capable to change it now...

A clear example was his own mobile password ...

That had been a special date for him.

The first time he had been able to speak with Arthit, in court. A date that, without a doubt, he could never forget ..

"And now Tae is talking like it is that easy to move on and forget someone that has been your sun and your moon for several years already..."

- "Tae ... sorry to tell you this but ... you are not the best person to give that kind of advice ... especially with what is happening between Tee and you ... so you better leave this matter alone and tell me what you think of the girl that is with Matt. I think I've seen her before but I don't know where ... "

ASSESSINATION AT MIDNIGHTDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora