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Krist smiled as he watched the bedroom he was going to occupy.

Krist smiled as he watched the bedroom he was going to occupy

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"I should have known better...", he thought while letting his bag on the bed.

After all, the students were members of the most influential families in the country... so the dormitories could not be like those of most universities.  

No, in the E.U.E, just a simple dormitory of the Lunar residence consisted of two large bedrooms with a study room and a private bathroom.

The only thing that was shared, as far as could be appreciated, was the living room and a kitchen that could be accessed as soon as you entered through the main door.

- "It seems that, in the end, it will not be so bad" - Krist mused as he left the bedroom and entered the living room.

There, along the wall and piled on top of each other, were his suitcases  while several boxes with his personal effects were around the room. Some of them on the armchairs while others were on the table and cabinets.

It was a real mess.

"It seems to me that I have brought more than I thought ...", he told himself as he counted three suitcases and fourteen boxes in total.

Krist bit his lower lip as he thought about where to start.

Should I take care of the clothes that were in the suitcases first?

Or would it be better to start with the boxes in which everything else was?

- "Do you need help?" - said a voice from the front door, startling the boy who, lost in his thoughts, had not noticed the open door nor the young man who was watching him from the hallway.

- "Do you need help?" - said a voice from the front door, startling the boy who, lost in his thoughts, had not noticed the open door nor the young man who was watching him from the hallway

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

- "Are you Singto?"

- "Yes I am. You must be Krist..." - replied the boy as he entered the room and closed the door.

Krist, meanwhile, was watching the person who was going to be his roommate.

No doubt he was a year older than him if you considered the color of the tie he was carrying around in the handle of his backpack. But, what drew more attention, was that intelligent but cold expression with which he was looking at the piled-up boxes.

Krist smiled uncomfortably as he ran his hand down the back of his neck.

- "I am sorry for all this chaos..." - he finally said - "I will try to fix this as soon as possible".

- "It doesn't matter..." - Singto muttered as he finally turned towards him - "If you want to, I can help you.. that way it will be finished sooner".

- "Really? I'd appreciate it!" - Krist exclaimed as he nodded vigorously.

Singto smiled as he tried to ignore the boxes and the chaotic room.

"You can do it," he said to himself as he stared at the boy who was looking at him with stars shining in his eyes, "you just have to control yourself and, before you know it, everything will be in its place...".

- "Well, what do you think if we start with that?" - He said as he pointed towards the three heavy suitcases of bright colors that were next to the wall.

- "Ok" - Krist said as he took one of them, the biggest one, from the handle and pulled it towards his bedroom.


Krist and Singto sat in one of the living room's couches completely exhausted. But at least they had finally finished putting everything in its place.

- "Thank you for your help" - said the young man with a shy smile on his face - "I could not have done it so fast by myself ..."

- "Don't worry about that.. it was nothing" - answered Singto while nodding happily.

The room was again impeccable and the young man felt that, finally, he could breathe again.

"Everything is in order, thank goodness ... I thought it was going to give me a heart attack"

However, when his gaze fell on a small black box that was next to the door, he frowned as he turned to his new roommate and pointed to the small packet.

However, when his gaze fell on a small black box that was next to the door, he frowned as he turned to his new roommate and pointed to the small packet

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

- "It seems we have forgotten that one ..."

Krist looked with surprise at the box that, without anything written, was on the floor and right next to the door frame.

- "How strange ..." - the boy muttered as he got up and started walking toward the little box.

- "What?" - Singto asked from the chair.

- "Well, I do not remember using this kind of box to store anything ..."

The boy had not finished talking when Singto had already risen from his seat and, with a couple of quick steps, had reached Krist and the black box.

- "Wait a moment!" - Singto said as he grabbed the young man's arm preventing him from getting closer to the little package.

It was then when they saw for the first time a seal that was on one of the handles and that represented a clock with the hands indicating twelve o'clock .

- "What..?" - Krist mused with a frown.

- "I knew it...." - Singto muttered and, after telling Krist not to touch anything, turned to the table and took his cell phone on his hands, quickly dialing a phone number.

Half an hour later Tae was watching the experts check the package for biological traces or remnants of some explosive device while Singto and Krist watched from the table on the other side of the room.

When, after a few minutes, they gave him the go-ahead, the young inspector took the package by the handles and opened it looking carefully inside.

An expression of perplexity appeared on his face and, with great care, he took out a card that had the same symbol as the box. 

A card that, on white words, had the next message:


Those who escaped will be punished

Only 11 left.

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