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Krist left the vehicle with a pout on his lips and without answering to the farewell words that his father, the school principal, was telling him from inside the car.

- "Remember you cannot tell anyone who you are..." - Mr. Perawat reminded him as he watched the boy pick up his backpack from the backseat - "it's for your own safety".

- "Yes father. I know..." - Krist muttered as he watched the moving truck that was parked just behind the car. 

In it, they had brought all his things, or at least those that they thought he would need during his stay in the residence.

The boy sighted and closed the car's door.

If only his father had not been so obsessed with this matter...

The very idea of ​​having to leave the mansion, his private wing and almost all his things to move to residence of the school, filled him with anger and despair.

If at least they were private rooms, the matter would have a pass. But on the contrary, he will have to share the bedroom with another person. A young man who was a year older than him and who, apparently, had been the best average of last year ...

"A nerd ... for sure," Krist told himself as he walked away from the car and approached a modern building of gray and white stones with the emblem of the moon on the sliding glass doors.

- "Welcome to the Lunar Residence" - said a middle-aged woman from the reception desk - "I am the person in charge of this building, you can call me Miss Red.

- "Nice to meet you. I am Krist..." - replied the young man with a slight smile. 

Then he gave her the papers that his father had given him the day before

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Then he gave her the papers that his father had given him the day before.

The woman picked them up and, after checking that they were correctly completed, she turned to the boy with a key card in her hand.

- "Be careful not to lose it as it opens not only your rooms, but also your locker and storage room plus, of course, all other common areas of the school."

Krist nodded as he picked up the key and inserted it inside his shirt pocket.

- "In your study room you will find your schedule and information about the facilities. I hope everything is to your liking ..."

- "Thank you" - said the young man, as he began to wonder if he was in a school or, perhaps, he had entered a hotel by mistake ...

The boy said goodbye with a smile to Miss Red and, with a wave of his hand, he indicated to the transporters that had his personal belongings to follow him to the room that, according to the key that had been given to him, was Bedroom 0062.

Meanwhile, just a few meters away, a young man was checking the place where the body was found while listening to the data that the Inspector was providing.

- "From what I see it is an accident ... The young man climbed the tree, possibly to see the fireworks better, and ended up falling."

Singto frowned as he watched the broken branch from which, according to the policeman, the victim had fallen.

Singto frowned as he watched the broken branch from which, according to the policeman, the victim had fallen

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

- "It seems to me that this case is not going to be so simple ..." - said the young man as he looked towards the treetop - "and, if I am not mistaken, the thing that is between those two branches... is not a mobile? "

The inspector looked up and, seeing the small device there, began to grunt as he started to mention the name of the experts who had checked the place previously.

Those idiots!!

After he managed to get it down while making sure he was wearing his gloves, he activated the small device that, to their surprise, was lit by a countdown that had ended at twelve o'clock at night. 

Specifically at the time when there had been the "accident" that had led its owner to death.

Tae looked at his cousin without really knowing what to think.

When Sing called him first thing in the morning, he had been very sure that his cousin had made a mistake and that, on this occasion, the case was nothing more than what it appeared, a simple accident.

However, after finding that phone, he was beginning to think that, maybe, Singto had not been as wrong as he thought ...

"This case does not smell very good ..."

- "I think you should check the calls and messages" - said the young man as he picked up his school bag and put it on his shoulder

- "And you ... what are you going to do?" - Tae asked as he looked up from the phone.

- "Today my new roommate arrives" - the young man commented while smiling with irony - "I must go to welcome him".

- "Ouch! ... I just hope this one lasts longer than the previous ones".

Singto frowned as he thought of the five roommates he had had during the previous year and who, for one reason or another, had ended up asking for a change of bedroom when they had not even spent twenty-four hours together.

- "Well, he's a first-year newcomer" - the young man answered as he waved goodbye and headed towards the residence with light steps - "perhaps it won't be that bad...".

Tae smiled wryly as he thought about some of his cousin's hobbies.

As for example his love for spending the whole night playing with his games or reading a new book. 

But, without a doubt, the worse thing was his little obsession with cleanliness and order.

Everything had to be in place and, if something went wrong, the young man could perfectly spend an afternoon making you study the guidelines for having a perfectly ordered space.

- "Poor boy" - the inspector muttered while thinking about the little luck that the young man who had been chosen as Singto's roommate had - "I wish you luck, whoever you are, you will need it for sure".

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