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Singto smiled while, with quick movements, he picked up his things and put them inside his briefcase.

- "Remember that you need to bring the finished case report for the next class" - the teacher reminded them before going out through the door with quick steps and an angry gesture on his face.

No one had expected for the director of the university to programme an emergency meeting at that hour, much less the old professor of advanced calculus who, after receiving the brief note just ten minutes after having begun the class's explanation, did nothing but apologize once and again to his students.

However, for the boys and girls that were inside the room, this change of plans could only be good news.

After all, since they received the notification of the class on their email adresses, they had though that they would lost that afternoon but , surprisingly , now they had it free to do what they wanted ....

Many were talking about going to the carnival that was taking place in the nearby park. Others commented on how great it would be to go to the mall and see the latest Avengers movie. 

However, for Singto, this was the perfect time to buy a cake and surprise the young man he had left alone at the residence.

"A small celebration ... the two of us alone ... celebrating our first day as lovers ...", though while smiling shyly.

- "Singto, what do you think about it?" - Asked suddenly Off, as he got up from his seat.

Singto, who had been thinking about Krist, hadn't even noticed the two classmates that were talking to him, so he raised his head and, frowning, he observed the young man who, for several years already, was one of his friends.

The only one he had now ... 

The only one that had stayed after his little problem with Jung...

- "Excuse me but ... what were you saying?"

Off sighed and, leaving his own suitcase on the table, stared at his companion and friend.

- "I was asking you if you want to come with Gun and me to the mall... then, if we want to, we can have dinner together" - he proposed again while smiling at the mention of Gun, his boyfriend for several months already.

Singto smiled and, shaking his head, got up from his seat  and took a couple of steps towards the classroom's door before looking at them, once again

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Singto smiled and, shaking his head, got up from his seat  and took a couple of steps towards the classroom's door before looking at them, once again.

- "I cannot go with both of you " - he said, looking back at them while smiling a little  - "I'm going to spend the afternoon with my boyfriend"

After which, he left the class with a bigger smile on his face while leaving Off with his mouth open because of shock.

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