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Singto could not believe what he was hearing.

Our relationship ... a lie?

What the hell...?!

Immediately a small idea came into his mind and, with an expression of surprise and disappointment, turned to look at the young man who was avoiding the looks of everyone.

- "So that's what you did" - he finally said -  "Now, I can understand everything..."

Jung stared at him for a few seconds to immediately lower his head, once again, completely embarrassed.

- "That's why Wendy showed up that day and hit me in front of everyone..." - continued the young man, ignoring the look of plea that Jung had just thrown at him - "It's funny that the one who received the slap was me, when you were the one who was dating both of us at the same time!"

Krist immediately grabbed Singto's hand tighter. Trying to make him notice his presence.

"You are not alone ...", he was trying to transmit to Singto through the simple contact of their fingers.

Wendy, on the other hand, frowned as she stopped smiling. 

Moments later she opened her mouth with the clear intention of refuting Singto's words but, before she could even say anything, she noticed the guilty expression of his fiancé.

The young woman frowned and turned to look at Singto who, holding tightly the hand of the boy next to him and with a tired expression on his face, wasn't taking his eyes off the hunched figure of Jung.

- "At least it was only three months" - continued the young man without caring about the group of people who had formed around them, or that Tae or Tee were listening with expressions of surprise on their faces - "and it is not as if something important happened between us ... I've already overcome all of this. I just hope you do the same so please,  take care of your girlfriend here and be less curious about what I do or who I see. You have no right to do that...".

After which Singto turned around and, with Krist's hand in his, went towards the doors of the building.

After which Singto turned around and, with Krist's hand in his, went towards the doors of the building

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Everyone that were present watched them leave without looking back.

As soon as the glass doors closed behind Singto and Krist, all people turned to look at Wendy and Jung.

Wendy, with a hand on her belly, was watching her boyfriend with an indecipherable expression on her face.

While the man, with a pale face, was observing the place where Singto had been until a few seconds ago.

ASSESSINATION AT MIDNIGHTDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora