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- "Arthit Rojnapat, Do you accept Kongpob Suttiluk as your husband to love and respect until death takes you apart?"

The young man smiled and nodded shyly in front of all the guests.

- "Yes, I do" - he whispered as he tried to keep his eyes on the happy face of the person who, from that moment onwards, was his  husband before everyone's eyes.

Arthit still couldn't believe it.

He had not been able to do it while the assistant was helping him with the makeup... Not even when his own mother had given the last touches to his black hair before the watchful eyes of his in-laws and his little brother Wayo.

But now, looking into Kongpob's deep eyes, he began to assimilate that, finally, the young man he loved madly was all his. That nothing and no one was able to break them appart and that ... if someone ever tries... they would meet the Ice Prosecutor and Head Hazer who was still a legend among university students.

There wouldn't be anything left of that person, not even the memory ...

- "Kongpob Suttiluk, Do you accept ...?"

- "YES!" - the young man exclaimed as he took Arthit by the hand and made him take a few steps towards him.

- "Sir ... you must wait for the question to end" - the priest said, making Arthit blush. Kong simply smiled a little embarrassed but...  never letting go of his Sun's hand.

- "Do you accept Arthit Rojnapat as your husband until death...?"

- "Yes, I do!" - said the young man and, pulling Arthit towards him, kissed him in front of everyone.

- "Yes, I do!" - said the young man and, pulling Arthit towards him, kissed him in front of everyone

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The guests began to laugh while the priest could only sigh at the behavior of the groom.

- "My son ..." - muttered Mr. Suttiluk from his seat, just a few steps away from the couple - "you have to wait to be declared as husbands before doing that ..."

- "I don't know what you are complaining about, love .." - commented his wife, with a slight smile on her own face - "if you are the same as him ... Do I need to remind you that, at our wedding, you did not even wait for the priest to finish speaking before getting me out of the church? "

After which she turned towards Arthit's mother and brother, who were listening to their conversation with shocked faces.

- "He said he wanted to start the wedding night as soon as possible..."

Everyone laughed while Arthit, who had finally managed to dodge his own husband, pouted while kicking one of Kongpob's legs.

ASSESSINATION AT MIDNIGHTDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora