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The morning had begun like any other in the small shopping center that was in the outskirts of the capital.

Many of the stores were, at that time, opening their doors while a few customers waited expectantly for them to be allowed into the shops.

Tae had already spent an hour in front of the small jewelery store that, however, was the most visited among those who were in that area of ​​the mall.

"Wow ...", the young inspector told himself as he looked at the prices of several of the pieces exhibited in the shop window, "anyone who buys here must have a well-filled wallet ..."

After all, the cheapest jewel that was in front of his eyes had a price with four zeros in it.

Which indicated that, Pierrot should have means ... Maybe even be from a rich or an influential family.

"Things can get complicated ... and quite a lot," Tae thought as he watched  how one of the employees opened the glass door and nodded at him.

Some people, who had been waiting at his side, rushed into the establishment. The inspector, on the other hand, entered the store with a complete peace of mind, staring at the different designs that were shown in the exhibitors and that were the star products of the season.

 The inspector, on the other hand, entered the store with a complete peace of mind, staring at the different designs that were shown in the exhibitors and that were the star products of the season

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Finally, after a few minutes checking the different jewels exposed, he observed a small display that, in a corner, showed several rings of engagement.

Immediately he went to the place.

"YES!" Exclaimed the young inspector to himself as his eyes remained fixed on a small ring placed in one of the corners of the expositor.

A ring identical to the one that appeared in the photograph he was carrying around in his pocket.

- "It's here" - he murmured as he felt his heart start beating in his chest.

- "Can I help you with something?" - Asked, at that moment, a young saleswoman who, with a frown on her face, was looking at the worn jeans and the leather jacket that the young man was wearing.

Tae did not need much, just a brief look at the girl's contemptuous expression, to know what she was thinking.

"If only she knew ...", though the young man while remembering the numerous jewelries that were under the control of his family.

Finally, with a serious gesture, he took out his badge and showed it to the girl who, immediately, looked at him with a very more complacent expression on her face.

- "I would like to know if this ring is from your store" - Tae said as he took a couple of photographs from his pants. One, of the girl's ring and another where it was shown, especially, the engraving it had.

- "Immediately ..." - the girl muttered as she read the words and, then, turned towards the computer nearer to them.

A few minutes later the young saleswoman turned towards Tae with a smile on her lips.

- "It was a commission from last year ... specifically from our sales for Valentine's day" - said the girl while turning the computer screen towards the man.

There, Tae observed a picture of two rings in a velvet box but, what he was really looking for, was just below the photograph.

Buyer: Jumpol Thanapol

With a smile, Tae left the store and headed towards his motorcycle. In one of his hands he was holding a card with the young man's information.

"Finally," he though as he climbed into the vehicle and started the engine, "I finally feel like we're getting closer to the truth behind this whole case..."


¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Meanwhile, on the scientist's floor ...

Several workers were coming through the main doors, bringing with them several perfectly packaged boxes. All this before the watchful eye of the researchers who, with their white coats, were recieving the packages and opening them while  taking out the different equipments that had been purchased to replace those that had been destroyed in the explosion.

Tee, from his desk, nodded while looking at the lists of the equipment already placed in the different rooms.

- "It seems that everything is going smoothly" - Phana said as soon as he entered the room with glass walls.

- "I can not complain" - Tee answered with a smile - "much more when they are working as quick as they can".

Phana smiled as he nodded and, then, sat in one of the seats that, placed near the walls, were waiting for them to be distributed among the new posts.

- "Pha ... I am sorry about Arthit" - said Tee after a short silence. As, that same morning, Tae had informed him of what had happened in the office as soon as he left.

The young inspector, as a way of response, shrugged his shoulders while keeping his eyes fixed on the workers who were, at that moment, placing the large screens on which the results of the researches would be seen.

- "Don't worry about that... I knew that this was going to happen as soon as the acquittal of Kongpob's father was confirmed and... I am not goint to give up ... after all, an engagement is not a wedding. I still can make him mine "- he said after a few minutes and with a very low voice -"by the way...What is happening between you and Tae? Something new to tell me? "

Tee sighed.

- "Everything is the same, he still does not want to tell his family about us ..." - the young man muttered- "at least until the case is over ..".

Phana inclined his head while frowning.

- "And... Are you going to give him that time?"

Tee turned to his friend with a tired expression on his face.

- "I do not know Pha ... I really do not know, I ..."

The door opened with a bang and a young man dressed in jeans and a brown jacket entered with a broad smile on his face.

- "I have it!" - He exclaimed as soon as he saw the two young men who were in the room and, with a couple of strides, he placed himself in front of them while moving from one side to another a small card with the logo of a famous jewelry store.

- "What do you have?" - Pha asked curiously as he got up from the seat.

- "A name ... I finally have a name!" - Tae replied as he turned to one of the operators and ordered him to activate one of the computers with the search system installed.

Finally, they were going to meet that Pierrot.


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