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While Toptap was waiting for the arrival of the elevator while hitting, without being able to control himself anymore, the nearest wall, a taxi went into the port area ...

- "You can leave me right here"

Phana, quickly, parked in one of the busiest streets of the port. Specifically in one of the most fashionable places and in which, at that time of the afternoon, many young people were walking around with their friends or with someone special to them.

"Maybe he has a date ...", the young inspector told himself as he watched the boy, without him realizing it, using the rearview mirror.

The student, at that moment, was observing the different couples that were on the stone benches and on the terraces of the bars, enjoying the food and the cocktails that were served in the area and that were famous in the Capital.

A slight smile of regret appeared on his lips just before he turned towards him and, while thanking for the trip, gave him the agreed money.

A slight smile of regret appeared on his lips just before he turned towards him and, while thanking for the trip, gave him the agreed money

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

- "Have a good afternoon ..." - said, just a few seconds later, the boy while, with his leather backpack over his shoulder, he closed the door of the vehicle and headed towards one of the stalls that were selling drinks .

Phana, for a minute, thought if it would be a good idea to follow him.

After all,  Tae had been very clear about what he could do ...

"It's a simple surveillance ... observe and inform, nothing more," he had said that same morning while they waited for the arrival of Phana's friend with the taxi.

The young man looked at the back of the boy who, with every minute that was passing, became smaller...

Now or never!

Quickly, he left the car after leaving it parked and... seconds later he was already following Matt. All while taking his cell phone out of his pants pocket and sending a message to Tae.


In one of the offices, at the police station ...

The meeting had begun an hour ago when, to everyone's dismay, a phone rang interrupting the explanation of the head of the brigade.

- "I'm sorry" - Tae apologized while, with a frown,he picked up the phone and looked askance at the message that had just reached his private account.

Immediately he got up, interrupting again and generating looks of anger and discontent.

- "There have been developments in the case of the E.U.E" - he said while bowing in apology - "I am sorry but... I need to go away..."

ASSESSINATION AT MIDNIGHTDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora