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Krist left the auditorium with a sigh.

As he had imagined, the speech had been so boring that, if it were not for Singto, he was sure that he would have fallen asleep like the first-year boy who, a little less than half an hour ago, had ended up snoring in the middle of the presentations of the teachers.

A slight giggle escaped his lips as he remembered the furious face of his father but especially the young man who, after a nudge from his partner, had ended up on the floor with a dazed look and not knowing very well what had happened for him to end up like that.

"Poor boy... knowing my father he won't be able to leave the conference room without a scratch..."

- "It's still early, What do you think of going to the shops of the commercial street?" - Singto proposed while walking just a few steps behind Krist - "I need to buy a new fountain pen. Mine has its nib broken."

Krist stopped and turned to the young man with a broad smile and eyes bright with emotion

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Krist stopped and turned to the young man with a broad smile and eyes bright with emotion.

- "Is there a video game store?" - he asked as he took out his wallet and checked its contents - "last week the new installment of the saga of Holmes, Poirot and Marple came out. I would like to buy it before it runs out".

Singto smiled as he nodded and began to walk towards the doors leading to the main street.

- "There are two stores that can have these games as well as several cafes and restaurants. There is one place that I love to visit when I go to the commercial street... I think you will love it!!".

- "Ok" - Krist said as he followed Singto.

 Both of them go out and, getting lost among the students who were entering and leaving the campus, they took a taxi.

Half an hour later, they entered the mall and look at the different stores with interest.

Krist and Singto walked quietly while talking about one and a thousand things, but without forgetting the place in which was the first of the game stores.

A few meters away from them however, was a figure that was observing every movement, every gesture of one of them.

"How dare he... they're almost holding hands!" He said to himself as he gritted his teeth.

That scum.

How dare he even think of getting near him?!

But it did not matter.

He would make him understand his error and, if he doesn't... well...he would take care of it.


Krist smiled as he walked away from the cashier with his new acquisition in hand.

The young man approached Singto and, giving him a slight blow on the back, showed him the game that was still inside the plastic.

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