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- "I HAVE NOT DONE ANYTHING!" - Matt exclaimed again as he hit the table of the interrogation room.

The young man, who was still wearing his wet clothes, snorted as he tried for the umpteenth time to remove his wet hair from his eyes as it was preventing him from staring at the police inspector who, with already dry clothes, was looking at him seriously from his seat.

- "Then tell us the truth ... did you see Amelie last night?"

Matt shook his head.

- "How many times have I said it already .... I didn't see her at all" - he muttered as he sighed wearily.

- So ... could you explain this picture to us? "- he asked as he took a large photo from a closed folder in which a young woman was seen climbing the emergency stairs to one of the floors of the men's residence.

Matt looked at the photo, completely silent.

Finally, and with a gesture of defeat, he nodded as he began to speak ...

Meanwhile Wendy was in another room, sitting in one of the chairs and staring impassively at the young man who was trying to make her answer his questions.

- "Won't you say anything?" - the young policeman finally asked as he left the pen on the empty notebook that was in front of him.

The young woman smiled.

- "I don't see why you care about me going out with Matt... as far as I know I am free to do what I want."

- "Look, miss ..."

- "Besides, you have nothing that relates me to this girl... Amelie?" - The young woman continued while ignoring the policeman - "And what are you going to accuse me of? Of riding a boat with Matt? My family's lawyers are going to love this...".

The young policeman sighed as he glanced at the mirror behind which they were analyzing the conversations that were taking place simultaneously in the two interrogation rooms.


- "I do not understand it ...." - Singto muttered as he watched the young woman's face from the other side of the mirror - "this woman is not my friend ... I swear that this is not the Wendy that I know..".

Krist sighed and, posing a hand on the young man's thigh, made him turn his gaze towards him.

- "Sing ... we still don't know anything"

Singto shook his head as he pointed to the young woman who, now, was fixing her hair before the lost look of the policeman.

- "Krist, I don't recognize her. I don't understand what could have happened ..."

After saying that, he took one of his hands towards his hair and pulled them away from his face, in a gesture that clearly indicated how affected he was by what was happening.

After saying that, he took one of his hands towards his hair and pulled them away from his face, in a gesture that clearly indicated how affected he was by what was happening

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Phana, who had been watching the boy with a sad expression on his face, approached them until he was standing only a couple of steps away from the two students.

- "There are times when we don't really know people, specially if they are too close to us" - Phana began to say as he pointed towards the glass that overlooked the other interrogation room - "Matt just said that Wendy was the one who told him to seduce Amelie".

- "WHAT?!"

Singto and Krist turned towards the other side of the room, where they joined Arthit and Kong. Both had cold expressions on their faces while their eyes, fixed on the young detainee, were analyzing each gesture and words ... looking for a clue, a detail that could lead them to understand the reason behind the crimes ...

"They are in their work mode...", though Singto before looking at Matt.

- "Wendy wanted Amelie to suffer the same as Jumpol ... to go through the same pain of knowing that her partner had betrayed her and played with her" - said the young man while keeping his eyes fixed on the table - "Jumpy suffered a lot ... his face that night in which he received the photos ... but, without a doubt, the worst part was the video that came later through Internet. That ended up destroying him. "

Arthit looked at Kongpob and, without saying anything, took him by the hand.

- "So ... what happened the other night?"

Matt sighed.

- "She came to see me. We had sex and, like every time she visited me, she left a couple of hours later."

Singto frowned.

After all something didn't add up in all of this...

If she had left after having sex with Matt... why was there no photograph of her departure?



Tee was looking at Wendy's cell phone, still on and showing the empty box in which the password had to be inserted.

The program had been trying to discover what it was for several hours already, but so far there had been no luck.

And time was running out ...

"If we don't find anything ... it will be her word against Matt's and her lawyers will get her out of here with ease ..."

- "There is no way ... the program cannot decipher the key ..." - he told Bin, who was checking Matt's phone, already completely dry.

Luckily the rice seemed to have done his job and the device, although with certain minor failures, had finally been able to ignite, leaving the young man facing a simple finger lock that, a glass of water recently used, had managed to overcome it...allowing him access to its contents.

- "In the young man's phone there is a chat with the missing girl ... with some messages that would make anyone blush..."

- "Come on...It cannot be ..."

Bin smiled wryly and, with a slight gesture, slid the cell phone towards Tee who, with a frown, glanced at the screen.

A second later he was looking across the room, completely red.

How the hell?!

How could a young woman send a message like that?!

Just the thought of what the young woman was asking Matt, with great detail, in one of those messages made the young man begin to feel very hot in a room that, thanks to the air conditioner, was extremely cold.

Bin chuckled and then glanced at the program screen.

- "It would be easier if we could get her to tell us the code..."

Tee sighed.

- "She has already told us that she will not help us with anything ... if we want to have access to the phone, we will have to do it by ourselves"

ASSESSINATION AT MIDNIGHTDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora