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Singto watched how Tee  was checking the locker of the victim.

Hardly ten minutes had passed since the accident and his cousin, exaggerating everything as always, had already ordered the deployment of the police officers.

A waste of time since, as he had told him before, the trap could have been placed even before the student had been murdered.

- "We can not know when the victim's card was taken" - Singto had commented to his cousin during one of the moments when he was not directing the police work - "the murderer may not even be at the residence anymore... "

However, after being the recipient of Tae's murderous gaze, he decided not to continue arguing. At least, until  the moment when his cousin wasn't that angry.

- "This damn killer..." - muttered, in fact, the young inspector while he was running between the experts of the scientist and the police officers who were searching the area while looking for clues.

- "It could have been anybody" - Tee, then, said as he approached them with the crossbow in one hand and a cord in the other - "the murderer prepared the trap to kill whoever that opens the locker. One of the cleaners of the school could have been killed if we hadn't arrived before them... "

- "We..? You mean Singto" - Tae muttered as he turned to the young man and gave him a furious look - "I should not have let you convince me!"

Tee opened his mouth with the firm intention of rebutting him, however, a few seconds later he closed it and looked down at the floor.

Singto, who had witnessed everything from his seat next to Krist, got up and approached the young man to put a hand on his shoulder.

- "It's not your fault. I should have looked for traps before opening the locker" - he commented while giving him a smile - "It was my own error".

 I should have looked for traps before opening the locker" - he commented while giving him a smile - "It was my own error"

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- "No, Sing. It was my idea ... I thought that if you two went alone, you would go unnoticed and, above all, without letting the killer know how far we have advanced in the investigation".

Singto sighed, then shook his head.

- "I doubt very much that he did not know it from the beginning, after all it seems that we are doing what he wants ... honestly, I do not think we have even approached the truth of this case even a little".

Tae, after hearing Singto's comment, approached them with a serious expression and, placing a hand on one of the young man's arms, made him turn towards him.

- "I really think that Krist and you should stay out of this case" - he said while keeping his eyes fixed on his cousin - "it is too dangerous."

Krist then, let out a laugh that made everyone nearby turn towards him.

Krist then, let out a laugh that made everyone nearby turn towards him

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