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Some people have asked me about Wayo's fiance ... so here you have a little special explaining a bit the situation of the young prosecutor 😉



Wayo sighed as, with trembling fingers, he clicked the power button of his mobile phone.... making it go off.

"And now ... What should I do?" He wondered as he left, on the bed, the small device. A seconds later... with a desperate expression on his face... he put his hands on his head and started shattering his generally careful hairstyle with his own bare hands.

The truth was that, since he had read Prin's message, his mind had gone blank. After all, he wasn't expecting a message from the man, not after so many years and... much less now that ... that Phana had entered into his life.

- "Prin ..." - whispered the young man as he dropped onto the soft silk quilt while causing the mobile, just a few centimeters away, to jump through the air to end up on the carpet that covered much of the floor.

- "Wow ... I wasn't expecting to hear that name, not after so long" - said, at that moment, a voice from the door of the room.

Wayo, turning his face towards the newcomer, sighed again to immediately nod his head.

- "He has written to me, after all these years ... apparently he will return to the country and ... and he wants for us to resume our relationship" - the young prosecutor whispered, as he sat down again on the mattress... but, this time, leaving room for his big brother.

Arthit smiled and, shaking his head, took one of the empty chairs. Of course, after removing Wayo's favorite whip from the seat and... very carefully ... depositing it on the nearest table.

- "And what do you intend to do?" - he finally asked while looking into the young man's eyes.

Wayo sighed brokenly.

The truth was ... he didn't know what to feel.

He had loved Prin for so long ... it was his first love. The person with whom he had had all his first times. They had only separated when the young man's parents had decided to move to the United States.

"We were so young ... we never even thought that our love could endure such a distance..", he though as he looked down at his hands, "and now ..."

- "B ... Bro ... I don't know ... I'm confused" - he finally muttered as he raised his face and looked, with a pleading expression on his face, towards the young man that was sitting in front of him.

He immediately shook his head.

- "Wayo ... I'm not going to tell you what to do" - Arthit commented as he leaned down and took one of the young man's hands between his - "I know how much you have loved Prin but... I also know that you feel something for Phana ... that fake boyfriend of yours".

Wayo opened his eyes completely because of the surprise while, a slight flush, colored his cheeks.


Arthit laughed, especially when he noticed how his brother ... completely ashamed ... was trying to let go of his grip while pouting in embarrasement.

- "Wayo ... I don't know what deal you did with the inspector but ... I've always known you weren't together, not seriously"

- "How...?" - The young man began to say, after a few seconds, to end speechless again. After all, through his mind, were passing through innumerable scenes where he had tried to help Phana woo his own brother... all of that while making people believe that they were together. And now... in the end, it seemed that it was for nothing - "so you knew everything ... you have always known he is in love with you...".

Arthit nodded as he gave him a slight wry smile.

- "Well ... let's say that, in the beginning, you weren't very careful with the place you chose to talk with him ..." - the young man muttered as he remembered how, years ago, he had left the courtroom to meet his brother when, at the end, he saw him talking to the inspector of the case he had just won ... an inspector whom he was promising, at that same moment, to help him woo him.

Wayo sighed.

- "I see..."

- "I never told you that I knew because ... I saw how worried you and mother were and how much you wanted for me to overcome my breakup with Kong" - Arthit said, smiling sadly while remembering those days full of pain and loneliness - "besides. ... I thought that if you believed that your plan could work, you would stop trying to make me go to all those dates that you were planned behind my back... "

- "OON!" - Wayo exclaimed while pouting with his lips.

Arthit, unable to avoid it, began to laugh at the expression of the boy ...

- "I'm sorry but ... I was getting desperate ..." - he finally said when he could control himself enough to keep talking - "although ... we'd better get back to your problem as mine is happily over... my advice for you is to talk to Phana and Prin, and then ... give yourself time to see who you really love ... "

Wayo frowned but ... finally ... nodded quietly.


Wayo walked down the corridor of the police station while looking at the signs that, in each office, were indicating the name of the officer who occupied it.

He had been looking for a specific number for several minutes already and ... although he knew it should be close ... he still couldn't find it.

Finally, to his delight, he spotted a small ajar door that was half-hidden behind a large elephant-faced puppet with a police suit.

Beside it, in black letters on a gray background, was a small sign that read ... 12C.

"Finally!" He told himself as a smile escaped his lips - "this is the one I was looking for!"

After all, when he had received a message from Prin saying that he wanted to see him that same night to talk about them, the young man had known that he could not delay it any longer.

Prin had been incredible... such a gentleman. He had understood his problem and had given him the time that he needed to choose but... the days had been passing and... and the man was starting to ask if he had decided.

"And to think that I haven't even talk to Phana yet...", he though while looking at Phana's office.

The truth was that... he couldn't still choose... he didn't want to lose any of them but...

But time was over and...and he couldn't go on like that ... he had to ... he had to talk to Phana and clarify whatever was between them and then... then reach a decision that he was hoping won't be the worst error of his life...

However, before he could even knock on the door, the image he saw through the small opening made his heart stop in his chest.

There ... alone in his office ... was Phana. 

The man was smiling in such a loving way towards a big poster. A poster on which Arthit appeared with his prosecutor clothes while showing a fierce expression on his beautiful face.

- "I love you, my Oon .... I love you more than anything ... and I will always love you ...."

ASSESSINATION AT MIDNIGHTDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora