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Amelie opened her eyes slowly.

The young woman felt her head spinning and that, the little light that was coming through the cracks of the closed window, was hurting her eyes as if she were looking directly towards the sun.

- "What happened to me?" - she murmured to herself with a thin voice as she looked around the small room she was in and, above all, the frayed and dirty mattress on which, until then, she had been sleeping .

How? ... I... I remeber I was in the room with ... I ... What on earth do I do here?!

Amelie closed her eyes tightly as she put her hands to her temples and massaged them, trying to calm the punctures that, from time to time, was making her unable to think clearly.

- "Good morning ..." - said a voice from the other side of the room.

The young woman got up abruptly, feeling that her heart was going out of her chest, and began to look for the person who had just spoken.

A few minutes later she discovered a small screen that was anchored to the wall and a figure of a man that, with a mask that hid half of his face, was smiling coldly while greeting her with a slight gesture of his hand.

- "I hope you have slept well" - continued saying  the man while the girl, with a frown on her face, only managed to look at the screen with a completely blank mind.

-"What...?" - Amelie whispered finally, after a few seconds of complete silence.

The figure smiled, showing a photograph of a young man who, lying on the grass, was smiling happily at the camera while innocently greeting whoever that was taking the picture.

Amelie paled.

"It can not be ...", she said to herself as she felt as if the world had just fallen on her, "Not now ..."

- "You would not have been thinking that you were going to end free after what you did, right?" - said the murderer while he left the photo on a small table next to him and, instead, took a gadget with only two buttons on it - "Those fools of the police could have been deceived by all of you but...not me... and you're going to pay for what you did to him! "

- "I did not know!" - Amelie exclaimed as she approached the screen - "I did not know what was happening ..."

- "But you knew that Jumpol had a girlfriend and that your" friend with benefits " from that time was trying to take her away from him, and only to be able to boast of having spent a night with the foolish girlfriend of the fool!" - he refuted coldly while he showed her, through the screen, several photographs taken from a video where two young people were having sex in a hotel room - "but the worst part was when he sent the full video to him... just the day before the engagement party... and you knew it! "

Amelie burst into tears, thinking of those days ... those terrible days before Jumpol's suicide when, in one of his many drunkennesses, Max revealed to her what he had done ... while laughing and showing her the video of his sex experience with the girl and also all the photos they had taken, he and his friends, from that night.

- "I was scared ... and hurt ... I only knew it a couple of days before he died, and they never told me that Max was going to send them all to Jumpol!"

- "But you knew what they had done ... and you did not tell him anything, you did not warn him that your boyfriend was fucking the woman who was going to be his fiancée!" - The man in the mask finally exclaimed as he banged on the table with the bare fist - "and you have to pay for that..."

ASSESSINATION AT MIDNIGHTDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora