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Singto fanned the young man who, with his face ashen, was lying on one of the wooden benches in the park.

- "Why did not you tell me you do not like this kind of attractions?!" - He asked as soon as he noticed that Krist had finally opened his eyes.


As soon as the elevator lowered a bit, Krist let out a scream that had startled even the middle-aged man who, along with his wife and children, had taken the seats that were farther from theirs.

But the worst part, no doubt, had happened when, as soon as the doors opened, Krist had tried to get up without success.

After all, his legs were trembling so much that he could hardly take a step.

Finally, and helped by Singto, the young man had been able to reach one of the empty benches and, leaning on him, had closed his eyes tightly.

Finally, and helped by Singto, the young man had been able to reach one of the empty benches and, leaning on him, had closed his eyes tightly

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At Singto's question, Krist turned  his head and, looking at the worried face of the young man, smiled slightly.

- "Do not worry, It is nothing..." - he murmured with a thin voice - " just a light dizziness".

- "But ..." - Singto began to say while making a small pout with his lips.

Krist, however, got up and, approaching Singto, took his own backpack from his hands.

And, after hanging it on his shoulder, he pointed to the restoration area.

- "What if we try that Rodeo Grill that the taxi driver told us about?"

Singto frowned, however, minutes later he nodded curtly.

- "If that is what you want ..."


The restaurant was quite full but, luckily, they found a table next to one of the elephants.

- "It's impressive" - Singto whispered observing the animals and, especially, the parrots of bright colors that were on the trees.

Krist nodded.

- "Yes it is"

- "Yes it is"

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