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Krist finished putting on his tie just as the clock of the living room began to give the time.

Twelve o'clock.

"I'd better go to the cafeteria..."

Without a doubt, the young man said to himself, he had just enough time to eat something and go towards the conference room.

The classes were going to start the next day so the director, as with each beginning of the course, was going to carry out his famous initiation talk, also announcing the names of the teachers who would be in charge of the students belonging to the different years and careers.

"Such a boring morning...", he though as he sighed tiredly.

After all Krist was thinking that, undoubtedly, they would lose two hours of a magnificent morning when they could be doing something much more productive.

Like sleeping till afternoon ...

- " Are you ready?" - Singto asked from the living room.

- "Yes, I'm coming ..." - he answered as he left his bedroom and watched the young man who, as a second year student, was wearing the same gray trousers and white shirt as his except for the tie, which in his case was from a beautiful vermilion color - "I'm starving".

Singto laughed as he opened the bedroom door and they both went out into the hallway and into the elevators that would take them to the top floor of the building.

To the place where, in addition to the gymnasium, the library and the reading room, there was the cafeteria of the residence.


- "Wow ..." - Krist mused as he went through the main glass doors.

"I had though that it would not be like the ones from other universities ... but this ... this is too much"

It was a large space occupied by hundreds of tables of different sizes

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It was a large space occupied by hundreds of tables of different sizes. Some empty, others already occupied by several of the students who, like them, were wearing the uniform of the school.

- "There is a free place there" - said Singto as he walked towards a large table prepared, however, for two guests.

Krist followed quickly, occupying one of the chairs that allowed to enjoy the views to the outside.


Singto smiled while watching how Krist was looking at the park and the people walking by with a faint smile on his face.

"He's like a little boy," he said to himself as he took the napkin and placed it on his knees, "He just needs to stick his nose to the glass and it would be the same as when I go out with my eight years old cousin..."

ASSESSINATION AT MIDNIGHTDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora